RINGTIMES BANYUWANGI – Gout is one of them disease which is suffered by many people, especially young age. Basically, there are various way that can be done to prevent disease uric acid so that young age not attacked disease this.
Gout is one of them disease which is often suffered by many people. This disease is a disease inflammation which often strikes sendi.
Uric acid occurs because of an increase in levels uric acid inside the body.
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This increase in rate makes uric acid becomes pile up and settles on sendi–sendi and formed into urate crystals in organs.
These crystals are considered foreign and trigger the formation of immune cells to destroy them.
The emergence of these immune cells will cause an inflammatory or inflammatory reaction that causes redness and swelling.
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So it really disturbs a person while on the move because it causes discomfort as a result of the unbearable pain.
Body parts that are often attacked uric acid is sendi–sendi fingers, toes, ankles, and knees.
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