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8 tourist attractions on the planet Mars, from ghost hills to giant volcanoes


Tourist attractions on Planet Mars will be available in 2029, when the first humans are expected to set foot on the planet. Photo: ist

JAKARTA – Earlier this year, SpaceX founder Elon Musk took to Twitter to predict when humans would first set foot on Earth Mars planet . According to Musk, the first humans are estimated to have arrived on Mars in 2029, or 60 years after the first humans set foot on the moon in 1969.

Currently, Mars is considered the most livable planet. Mapping vs Mars planet continue to be active. Scientists continue to record the outlines of the red planet, from deep canyons, mysterious craters thought to have flowing water, giant volcanoes and more.

For all its uniqueness, Mars is an extraordinary place.

So, assuming humans finally get to Mars in 7 years, and then Mars becomes an interesting place visited by tourists, what are the places? So, here are 8 tourist attractions on Planet Mars reported by Space.com:

1. Olympus Msgr

Olympus Mons is the most extreme volcano in the Solar System. Seab, the size is very massive. Located in a volcanic region, it is roughly the same size as the state of Arizona. Although extreme, Olympus Mons is relatively easy to climb due to its gradient of only 5%.

Olympus Mons is 25km high, or nearly three times the height of Mount Everest on Earth. The peak is 85 km wide, formed by magma chambers that have lost lava.

2. Tharsis

8 tourist attractions on the planet Mars, from ghost hills to giant volcanoes

Not far from Olympus Mons, there is also another volcano tourist spot, namely the Tharsis Volcano. Tharsis is a giant volcano with a width of 4,000km which has 12 other volcanoes.

Like Olympus Mons, these volcanoes tend to be much larger than those on Earth. This is because Mars has a weaker gravitational pull which allows volcanoes to grow taller.

3. Valli marineris

8 tourist attractions on the planet Mars, from ghost hills to giant volcanoes

Mars is home to not only the largest volcano in the solar system, but also the largest canyons. Valles Marineris is one of them which is about 3,000 km long or four times longer than the Grand Canyon.

Researchers aren’t sure how Valles Marineris formed, but there are several theories about its formation. Many scientists argue that when the Tharsis region was formed, it contributed to the formation of Valles Marineris.

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