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8 tips for parents and children in August in Freiburg – Freiburg

Hot, hotter, summer 2022. It’s been widely read lately that this will be the coldest summer of the rest of our lives. That’s why there are not only event tips, but also tips on how to do something for the climate with children.

Everyone is talking about climate change and every small change counts. Even though children are the last people who can do anything about the current state of our planet, they are the ones who will be most affected by the consequences.

We can implement some things together with our children in everyday life.

  • Leave the car at home and ride your bikes as often as possible. This is good for health and for the environment.

  • When eating ice cream, do without a spoon and cup and use a waffle. Even if the waffle ends up in the trash, that’s better than a single-use plastic cup. After all, the cone will decompose in a maximum of five days, whereas the plastic sundae takes at least 20 years.

  • “Without a straw, please”: Do not use a straw when ordering drinks in cafés and restaurants.

  • Design the front and back while painting – a reversible picture, so to speak. It is best to create an extra box for you and your children in which to collect “old” paper. Letters, invitations and so on written on one side can often be painted on the other side.

  • Buy and sell new clothes and toys at the flea market, on Ebay or in second-hand shops, or exchange clothes and toys with family friends or in kindergarten or school. You can also write on birthday invitations that you are also happy about used gifts and that not everything has to be new. It’s now totally normal for us that gifts are often needed at Christmas and for birthdays.

  • Borrow books from the library or from friends.

These are small things that we can easily implement in everyday life and that many of you are probably already doing. If you have more tips, please write to us!

In August it usually gets a little quieter in the event area. The theaters are taking a break from the season and the party and squat season is also coming to an end. But the holiday offer is all the more colorful.


The youth welfare organization offers a varied program for children and young people in the first week of August. From August 2nd to 4th there will be two workshops. If you want to get to know the tips and tricks of well-known influencers and photographers and put them into practice right away, the photo workshop is the right place for you. Everything is included, from the design of the appropriate backgrounds in the photo box, to light settings, to the photography itself. The appropriate equipment is available on site. If you want, you can also bring your own camera or cell phone. Fancy unique photos?

Was: Fotoworkshop
If: August 2 to 4, 2022, 10 a.m. – 4 p.m
Wo: Konradstrasse 14, 79100 Freiburg im Breisgau
Cost: 10 euros (incl. food and drinks)
Bring along: Own smartphone or camera (if you have one), image rights form (if possible)

Info: For registration

Graffiti-Workshop “Girls with Cans”

After two years of Corona, a lot has built up for many people. The graffiti workshop “Girls with Cans” not only offers the opportunity for artistic design, but also gives room for exchange. Topics that just have to be said are discussed together, opinions, wishes and views that are then posted on the wall. There is support from professional sprayers. The workshop is free and, as the title suggests, is aimed at girls.

Was: Graffiti Workshop: Girls with Cans
If: 02.-04.08.2022, 11h – 18h
Wo: Langemarckstrasse 97, 79100 Freiburg
Cost: frei
Bring along: Image copyright form (if possible)
Info: registration

Draw your own comic

Draw comics yourself? Apparently everyone can do that. Under the guidance of artist and illustrator Carmen Luna, children between the ages of 10 and 14 can draw their own comic. In an eight-hour workshop in the Mediothek in Rieselfeld, the children learn what is important and how to invent an exciting story. The number of participants is limited. Please register at [email protected]

Lilli’s journey to the moon

Those who long for a cool room in the hot temperatures can travel to the moon together with Lilli. Anyone who now thinks of a child or a woman is wrong. Lilli is a chicken with worries. And Lilli isn’t worried about the fox, but about the moon. You can find out why she is worried and whether she really needs to help the moon in the planetarium.

Michel aus Lönneberga

Who is blonde, curly-haired, has carved hundreds of wooden figures and is said to always have only nonsense on their minds? Exactly – Michel from Lönneberga. If you fancy a little excursion, you can watch the stories from Lönneberga on August 7th in the Kurhaus in Hinterzarten. If you still fancy a bit of exercise beforehand, you can combine a visit to the theater with a short hike along the nature adventure trail in Hinterzarten.

Tanz-Workshop “Your Story”

Instagram, TikTok and Co have become indispensable in (children’s and) young people’s rooms. In the workshop Your Story – Dance Special! Can you look behind the scenes and produce your own stories. There is also dancing “until all influencers are green with envy!”. Anyone can take part, even without social media experience.

Was: Your Story Workshop – Dance Special!
If: 9. -11.8.2022, 10h – 16h
Wo: Konradstrasse 14, 79100 Freiburg im Breisgau
Cost: 10 euros (incl. food and drinks)
Bring along: Own smartphone (if you have one), image rights form (if possible)
Registration: www.jugendarbeit-jhw.de

Freiburger Puppenbühne: Kasper and the castle ghost

On August 21st there will be two performances by the Freiburger Puppenbühne in Obermattenbad in Gundelfingen. Two stories about Kasper and his adventures are told on the sunbathing lawn outside the small swimming pool. Even without a puppet theater, the swimming pool is worth a visit.

A suddenly impoverished count fears for his castle. So that the Count doesn’t have to sell Eulenfels Castle, Kasper, together with you and with Bello’s help, goes in search of a secret treasure that is said to be hidden in the castle. How does he know that and will he manage to find the treasure with the help of the spectators? You have to find out for yourself.

Was: Freiburger Puppenbühne: Kasper and the castle ghost
If: 21.8.2022, 1 p.m
Wo: Gundelfingen, Obermattenbad, sunbathing area
Link: freiburger-puppenbuehne.de

Freiburger Puppenbühne: Kasper and the castle ghost

Kasper bought his grandma a special birthday present. Unfortunately, someone else also likes the gift – robber Rodewald, who steals the beautiful cuckoo clock in an unobserved moment. But that’s not all. When they try to get the clock back with Seppl’s help, the cunning magician Tagolf also stands in their way. Whether and how the cuckoo clock arrives at Kasper’s grandma in the end? With your help it will definitely work.

Was: Freiburger Puppenbühne: Kasper and the castle ghost
If: 21.8.2022, 16h30
Wo: Gundelfingen, Obermattenbad, sunbathing area
Link: freiburger-puppenbuehne.de

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