8% of citizens registered in Ecuador to participate in the popular consultation this Sunday had approached the voting tables in the first hours of the start of the day in the country, according to a first assessment of the National Electoral Council (CNE).
The president of the CNE, Diana Atamaint, indicated that as of 10:00 local time (15:00 GMT), 100% of the Vote Receiving Boards (JRV) had been installed nationwide, although 75.9% of them with the main vocalistswhile the other tables had been made up of substitutes.
According to Atamaint, it takes an average of two minutes for each voter to cast their votes on the only ballot that includes the eleven questions of the consultation, five from a referendum (constitutional amendments) and six from a plebiscite (legal reforms) on security issues. justice, investments and employment.
Although he pointed out that The process in its first hours has passed in a “peaceful and safe” manner, In Manabí, a river had overflowed, affecting voting in two precincts..
In the Manabi municipality of Flavio Alfarothe Leonidas Espinel Franco schools, in the San José-Tripa de Pollo area, and the Rafael Aizplúa Zambrano venuefrom the San Antonio del Tigre-Pata de Mula region, the overflowing of a river made it impossible for electoral material to be transferred to another place and prevented voters from arriving.
240 voters
In those precincts, 108 and 133 voters were eligible to vote.respectively, added Atamaint, insisting that these are the “biggest developments” regarding the voting process, although he said that the authorities are working to solve the problems.
«We hope that voting day continues as it is now, peaceful and in order«Atamaint added in his first evaluation of the development of the popular consultation.
More than 13.6 million Ecuadorians have been authorized by the CNE to participate in the popular consultation this Sunday and vote for the eleven questions promoted by the Government of President Daniel Noboa.
Among the five questions on amendments to the Constitution that will be voted on this Sunday in a referendum includes one on the participation of the Armed Forces in support of the Police against organized crime and another that allows the extradition of Ecuadorians.
Also on the possibility of establishing courts on constitutional matters, recognizing international arbitrations and making the labor market more flexible with temporary and hourly contracts.
Among the six questions of the plebiscite or popular consultation that do not imply changes to the Constitution but rather reforms to internal regulations, the possibility of allowing the Armed Forces to control access to prisons permanently is included.
Likewise, reforms to the penal code to increase penalties for crimes of terrorism, drug trafficking, organized crime, murder, hired assassination (murder for hire), human trafficking, kidnapping for ransom, arms trafficking, money laundering and illegal mining.
Also eliminate prison benefits for those convicted of terrorism and other crimes, classify the crime of possession or carrying of weapons and allow weapons seized from criminal gangs to be used by State security forces. EFE

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