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8 Natural Nutrients for Healthy Hair: Strengthen and Nourish Your Hair Naturally

8 natural nutrients to nourish hair and maintain its strength and freshness

Taking care of the health of hair, working to ensure the flow of its growth, and preserving its strength and freshness, does not start with choosing types of shampoos enriched with various types of chemical compounds, nor does it depend on taking pills for pharmaceutical nutritional supplement preparations, but rather it starts from the dining table, by choosing to eat natural food products. Rich in vital elements for hair growth and maintaining its strength and freshness. That is, it is necessary to eat natural foods rich in specific types of vitamins and minerals, which are needed in the process of hair formation, the process of stimulating its growth, and constantly protecting it from negative environmental influences that cause hair breakage and loss.

In this regard, the American Academy of Dermatology (AAD) says among its advice for hair nutrition: “Eat healthy food. “If you don’t get enough of certain nutrients, such as iron or protein, this can lead to hair loss.” She warns: “Be careful, it may seem to you that taking nutritional supplements to regrow your hair is an easy solution. However, getting too much of certain nutrients can worsen hair loss.

She outlines the medical reasons for taking these vitamins, minerals, and other nutritional supplements, saying: “If a blood test shows that you are not getting enough biotin, iron, or zinc, a dermatologist may recommend taking nutritional supplement preparations.” “If you’re not getting enough protein, your dermatologist can tell you how to increase your protein intake.” For further clarification, she also says: “You should only take biotin, iron, or zinc when a blood test shows that you have a deficiency. But if your levels are normal, taking nutritional supplements may be harmful.”

Healthy hair elements

To have healthy hair, there are 8 main elements that we get in abundance when we eat healthy foods, which are:

1. Our hair is made of keratin, which is a protein. Ensuring that a person gets enough protein in his daily food ensures an adequate supply of amino acids (the building blocks in the formation of proteins) from which keratin is formed. Animal sources provide the quality of complete protein, which is the protein that contains all essential and non-essential amino acids. While plant proteins lack some types of essential amino acids.

Therefore, eating red meat, poultry, fish, eggs, and dairy products is an essential step in nutrition that contributes to stimulating hair growth and ensuring its strength and freshness. For those who follow a vegetarian diet, beans, legumes and nuts are also good sources of protein.

Collagen is a protein found mainly in hair. Eating dietary collagen helps enhance hair strength and thickness, as it provides the essential elements of hair protein, which enhances healthy hair structure and growth, improves hair elasticity and moisture, reduces breakage and split ends, and enhances the availability of thicker and stronger hair strands. Bone broth and meat (from pasture-raised animals) are an excellent source of natural collagen.

2. A group of minerals. Iron, zinc, selenium and sulfur are among the most important minerals needed for hair growth.

For many reasons, iron plays a pivotal role in hair formation. Most importantly, iron is necessary for the formation of red blood cells and the transport of oxygen and key nutrients to the hair roots. In cases of iron deficiency, hair loss, slow growth, loss of freshness, and fading of color occur. Therefore, eating foods rich in iron, such as red meat, poultry, fish, beans, lentils, and dark leafy vegetables, may help stimulate hair growth and ensure its freshness and durability.

The process of hair repair and regeneration requires the body to have the ability to stimulate cell proliferation and tissue growth, and zinc is what helps and supports this. Zinc also helps keep the secretion of the sebaceous glands around the hair roots under control, as needed. Oysters, red meat, poultry, beans and grains fortified with zinc are all good food sources of this mineral.

There are several scientific indications that suggest that selenium has a role as an antioxidant in protecting hair roots from damage resulting from the accumulation of free radicals. Selenium-rich foods include Brazil nuts, seafood, lean meats, whole grains and dairy products.

Sulfur is an essential component of keratin, the main protein in hair. MSM (methylsulfonylmethane) compounds are sources of natural sulfur. They are compounds found in a number of plant products, such as apples, green leafy vegetables, berries, tomatoes, and whole grains. As well as in a number of animal products, such as eggs, fish and lean meat.

Essential vitamins

3. A group of B vitamins. B family vitamins are essential for maintaining healthy hair and stimulating hair growth. Especially four vitamins, which are Biotin (Vitamin B-7), Niacin (Vitamin B-3), Vitamin B-12, and Pantothenic Acid (Vitamin B-5).

The role of biotin in hair growth, strengthening hair roots, reducing hair loss, and enhancing hair growth is very essential in enabling hair follicles to produce the amino acids necessary to form keratin.

Niacin enhances blood flow in the scalp, creating a healthy environment for hair growth, thus enhancing its overall health and elasticity. While vitamin B-12 is necessary for making red blood cells, it helps hair growth by carrying essential nutrients and oxygen to the scalp.

Food sources of B vitamins include lean meat, fish, and poultry. As well as whole grains and bread made from them (brown bread), dairy products, legumes, nuts, seeds, and dark green leafy vegetables.

Vitamin B-5 helps prevent hair thinning and loss, and also helps blood flow to the scalp and hair growth. One of the best sources is yogurt.

4. Vitamin C. In many ways, Vitamin C is essential for the strong, healthy growth of our hair strands. One of these aspects is that the antioxidant properties of vitamin C represent hair protection against the harmful effects of free radicals, pollution, and harsh chemicals, which cause hair loss and graying. On the other hand, vitamin C helps produce collagen in the body, which enhances the ideal function of growth in the hair roots. On the third hand, vitamin C contributes to raising the level of intestinal absorption of iron found in plant products, which increases the availability of this vital mineral for hair growth. Some may not expect, but the highest food sources of vitamin C are parsley, hot peppers, and guava. Followed by citrus fruits (oranges and others), strawberries, kiwi, watermelon, broccoli, cabbage, and leafy vegetables.

5. Vitamin D. Vitamin D plays a major role in hair growth, because it maintains the health of hair root follicles. Several medical sources indicate that vitamin D regulates the growth cycle of hair roots, ensuring continuous growth and stopping hair loss. It also helps boost immunity in general, thus preventing hair loss.

It is known that immune disorders and acute microbial diseases lead to slow hair growth, and are often accompanied by hair loss as a result of negative factors that hinder the activity of hair follicles. Sunlight is the main source of vitamin D production in the skin, but using sunscreen or spending limited time outdoors can reduce its production in the skin. Therefore, obtaining vitamin D from food sources is an important way. Fatty fish, mushrooms, fortified dairy products, and egg yolks are good food sources of vitamin D. When it is proven that its levels are low in the body through a blood test, it is necessary to consult a doctor to receive replacement therapy to increase the stores of vitamin D in the body.

Various health benefits

6. Vitamin E. Thanks to its antioxidant properties, vitamin E has various benefits for hair health. It protects hair from oxidative stress and free radical damage. Vitamin E strengthens the immune system, which reduces the risk of infections that affect hair health. It also stops hair loss and stimulates hair growth by promoting the health of the scalp and hair roots. This is because vitamin E maintains the ideal balance between hydration and oil production in the scalp without excessive amounts, which leads to healthier and stronger hair. It enhances blood circulation in the scalp and delivery of nutrients, which supports stronger hair growth.

The best food sources for obtaining vitamin E are nuts, seeds, and vegetable oils. As well as avocado, spinach, cauliflower, and other green vegetables.

7. Vitamin A. Vitamin A is seen as key to maintaining healthy hair, as it helps cell growth and keeps the hair roots working well. Vitamin A also enhances the production of natural sebum to moisturize the scalp and protect hair from breakage. Vitamin A also plays a role in enhancing blood circulation in the scalp, ensuring that the hair roots receive the correct nutrients. Animal food sources of vitamin A include liver and kidney organs, fish and fish oils, eggs, milk and dairy products. Vegetarian sources include sweet potatoes, carrots, squash, and green leafy vegetables.

8. Omega-3 fats. When you obtain Omega-3 Fatty Acids from “natural” food sources, and not by taking Omega-3 capsules, this contributes to nourishing the hair roots, which leads to its growth and shine. “Natural” Omega-3 also plays an active role in ensuring the maintenance of scalp health, by reducing dryness and inflammation. Fatty fish, flax seeds, chia seeds, and walnuts are great sources of omega-3 fats.

However, the dermatology community is still conducting a number of studies on the potential effectiveness of taking “omega-3 capsules” in improving hair health. Specifically, the American Academy of Dermatology (AAD) has stopped recommending taking omega-3 pharmaceutical supplements as a treatment for hair loss, until further research and studies confirm this.

Lack of nutrients such as iron or protein may lead to hair loss

Hair… precise anatomical structure and sequential growth stages

Hair is the second fastest growing tissue in the human body, after bone marrow tissue. Hair grows about 1 cm per month. There are 14 different mineral elements in the hair components, most of them in very small quantities, one of which is gold. Every hair on the human body has its own nerve, blood supply, and muscle. Hair is a storehouse of health information about a person, and analyzing the components of the hair can determine the minerals and vitamins of the body and the medications that a person is taking. However, there are no clear differences in female hair from male hair.

When the hair is healthy in its structural components, it is strong. Medical sources indicate that one healthy hair can bear the weight of 100 grams, meaning that the entire hair of the scalp can bear the weight of more than 2 tons, which is the weight of two elephants!

Anatomically, hair is a protein appendage. It consists of three layers:

A hard outer cuticle, a less hard middle cuticle, and a soft core inside.

The hair root is located under the skin, and consists primarily of a sac called a “follicle.” In addition to the “hair follicle,” the “follicle” contains the “hair papilla,” whose function is to produce the “hair shaft” that emerges from the skin.

Hair growth from the hair papilla goes through three stages, which are in chronological order:

– The growth stage, during which hair production continues for approximately five years.

– The stage of rest and stagnation, which may last about three months, during which the growth of the hair shaft stops

– The stage of hair loss in which the hair separates from the body.

Then the hair follicle begins to produce another hair, which passes through these three stages. 90% of scalp hair is in the growth phase, and 10% is in the resting and stagnant phase.

• Consultation in internal medicine

2024-03-30 08:56:06

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