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8 measures recommended by WHO to prevent the transmission of coronavirus

The Ministry of Health published a few weeks ago a protocol of action against possible cases of infection that take place in our country, with a series of guidelines for the citizen to minimize the risk of infection.

This protocol follows the one that WHO itself launched a few weeks ago and that in recent hours has been shared through WhatsApp groups. These are the 8 basic protection measures to prevent contagion.

Avoid close contact.

It is recommended to avoid “close contact” not only with people who may have been in the affected area, but with all those who show “signs of respiratory condition such as coughing or sneezing.” At first it was thought that the virus was transmitted in only one direction, from animals to people, but research confirmed that it can happen from person to person, through the air droplets.

“Keep at least 1 meter away between you and other people, particularly those who cough, sneeze and have a fever. Why? When someone with a respiratory illness, such as the 2019-nCoV infection, coughs or sneezes, projects small droplets that contain the virus. If it is too close, you can inhale the virus, ”says the Ministry of Health.

Frequent hand washing

As with other viruses such as influenza, frequent handwashing is the most effective measure both to prevent infection and to prevent the spread of the virus.

This is reflected in the document prepared by Health: “Generic measures of individual protection against respiratory diseases [como la neumonía que provoca el virus de Wuhan] they include performing hand hygiene (washing with soap and water or alcoholic solutions) ”.

This washing must be done by rubbing palm on palm with enough soap, then interlacing the fingers, and rubbing the backs of the fingers against the palm. In addition, as recommended by el Sergas (Galician Health Service), you should perform a rinse that includes the area of ​​the forearms and reaches the elbow, and drying with disposable paper towels. “This process should take between 40 and 60 seconds.”

Cover your mouth and nose

The Ministry of Health also advises covering your mouth and nose with tissues or with a cloth when you cough or sneeze. It is more than usual to see how the people we have around us and with whom we agree in public transport cough or sneeze on the hand.

As Vicente Baos, primary care physician at the Collado Villalba-Pueblo Health Center and author of the El Supositorio blog, is an error. “Everyone coughs in their hands. And of course, neither washed, nor gel, nor anything. With this level of knowledge / attitude towards viral respiratory infections we take it clear if something fat comes along. ”

If we do not have disposable tissues, it is best to cover your mouth with your forearm, to prevent possible droplets from spreading through direct contact.

Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth

Hands touch many surfaces that may be contaminated with the virus. If you touch your eyes, nose or mouth with contaminated hands, you can transfer the virus from the surface to itself.

If you have a fever, cough and trouble breathing

If you go to a health center for any type of respiratory condition, WHO recommends informing physicians if you have traveled to an area where the presence of 2019-nCoV has been notified or if you have had close contact. with someone who has traveled to one of those places and has respiratory symptoms.

“Whenever you have a fever, cough and shortness of breath, it is important that you seek medical attention immediately, as these symptoms may be due to a respiratory infection or another serious condition,” the document said. “Respiratory symptoms with fever can have various causes, and depending on your travel history and personal circumstances, 2019-nCoV could be one of them.”

If you have mild respiratory symptoms

In the event that the respiratory symptoms are mild and you have not traveled to any of the areas affected by the coronavirus, WHO recommends practicing “basic hand and respiratory hygiene” and staying home until recovery occurs. Most likely, our condition is not related to the coronavirus. Raw or undercooked animal products

Likewise, the Ministry of Health and WHO also advise handling raw meat, milk and animal organs with care “in order to avoid cross contamination with raw foods, in accordance with good food safety practices”.

The mask is only for the sick

As the protocol indicates, if we are healthy, we do not need to wear a mask. We repeat: we do not need to wear a mask. You only need to wear a mask “if you take care of someone suspected of being infected with Covid-19” or if you have a cough or sneeze. “The masks are only effective if they are combined with frequent hand washing with a hydroalcoholic solution or with soap and water.”

JPM / of-am

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