Once anemia occurs, there will be a series of symptoms, and the severity of the symptoms of anemia is related to the degree of anemia. The more acute the anemia occurs, the more severe the anemia is, and the more obvious the symptoms are.
Patients with anemia generally have a dull, pale complexion, without blood, and dry and dull skin and hair. It is generally believed that the color of the palpebral conjunctiva, palm-sized thenar and nail bed is more reliable.
Anemia patients often feel tired and sleepy, which is caused by muscle ischemia and hypoxia. Fatigue is the most common and earliest symptom of walking and climbing stairs.

Dizziness, headache, tinnitus, vertigo, inattention, memory loss, lethargy and dreaminess are common symptoms. Sudden syncope and unconsciousness may occur in patients with acute anemia or severe anemia, especially in elderly patients.
Due to the low red blood cells and hemoglobin, the oxygen-carrying capacity of the cells decreases, and the organs are in a state of hypoxia. After physical activity, they feel palpitations and shortness of breath. People with severe anemia feel short of breath after a little exercise, and feel chest tightness and shortness of breath. Long-term anemia can also cause anemic heart disease.

Due to ischemia and hypoxia in the digestive system, anemia patients have decreased digestion and absorption functions, and symptoms such as loss of appetite, abdominal distension, nausea, and constipation.
Due to the low red blood cells in anemia patients, most of the oxygen carried needs to supply internal organs and brain, resulting in poor peripheral circulation, cold hands and feet, numbness, and acupuncture. Anemia patients often feel afraid of cold.
Women often have menstrual disorders, such as hypomenorrhea or even amenorrhea.
Severe anemia may have mild proteinuria and decreased urine concentration function.

Anemia is very harmful to health, because the oxygen needed by human tissues and organs is carried and transported by red blood cells in the blood, so anemia will affect the function of various organs in the body. The easiest way to check for anemia is to check the blood routine to see the values of red blood cells and hemoglobin. When anemia occurs, the focus is to find out the cause of the anemia and then treat the cause. Iron deficiency anemia is treated with iron, vitamin B12 or folic acid supplementation is used for megaloblastic anemia caused by vitamin B12 or folic acid deficiency, erythropoietin is used for renal anemia, and bone marrow transplantation is used for aplastic anemia.