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8 Interesting Planet Venus Facts for Kids to Know

The planet Venus is the second closest planet to the sun after Mercury. Her name is taken from one of the names of the Roman Goddess and she is also known as the “Morning Star”.

The nickname is because the planet Venus shines so brightly when seen in Earth’s sky. Not only is Venus the brightest, it’s also the hottest planet on Earth Solar system, you know.

And there are many other facts from the neighboring planet that your child must know. If you’re curious, check out the information from Popmama.com about 8 facts about the planet Venus.

1. The name of the planet Venus is taken from a Roman goddess


As mentioned earlier, the naming of the planet Venus was inspired by the name of one of the Roman gods. The name of the goddess is also Venus which is the goddess of beauty and compassion.

The name is certainly not wrongly pinned on Earth’s neighbors. The bright yellow color that it emits is very beautiful to look at in the Earth’s sky.

2. The Morning Star that shines the brightest in the Milky Way

2. The Morning Star shines brightest in the Milky Way

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Venus is known as the brightest planet in the Solar System. Therefore, this celestial object has many nicknames, namely the morning star, the eastern star, the western star, the morning star, and the evening star.

But you need to know, it’s just a nickname, right? The visible light does not come from the planet Venus itself. But from the Sun because only the stars can shine.

What makes the planet so bright is the atmosphere it has. Launch DestinyThe atmosphere of the planet Venus is very different from Earth’s in that it is composed mostly of greenhouse gases (carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide, and nitrogen gas). Well, the presence of these gases then allows Venus to reflect back about 70 percent of the sun’s light.

So, do not be surprised if the planet Venus can be observed from Earth with the naked eye about a few hours after sunset or before sunrise.

3. Is the hottest planet in the Solar System

3. Is the hottest planet in the Solar System

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The atmosphere of the Morning Star is not only the brightest in the Solar System, but also the hottest, you know. More precisely, the existing thick fog creates global warming.

So, some sunlight towards the planet Venus is reflected and some is absorbed. Well, the incoming energy is trapped by the thick atmosphere of Venus, causing the surface temperature to be very hot National Geographic, exceeding 471 degrees Celsius).

The horror of the planet Venus does not end there. Unlike Earth, clouds on Venus do not lower water but sulfuric acid which can damage skin tissue.

In addition, the pressure on the surface of the celestial object is also very high due to its thick atmosphere, which is 90 times greater than the pressure in the sky Earth. These conditions allow humans to be instantly destroyed when standing on the surface of the planet Venus. Horror ya, ma.

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4. One day is longer than a year on the planet Venus

4. One day is longer than one year of the planet Venus


Yup, Mama did not read wrong, really. In fact, a day goes by longer than a year at the Morning Star. This can happen because the planet Venus is very slow to rotate (rotate on its axis).

These conditions make one day on Venus lasts for 244 Earth days or 5,832 hours! In fact, the period of revolution (around the Sun) only takes 224.7 Earth days.

This doesn’t really say ‘a day feels like a year’ if you live on Venus, right, Ma.

5. The sun rises from the west

5. The sun rises from the west


The uniqueness of this hottest planet does not end there. Venus turns out to have a very strange direction of rotation.

While Earth and the other planets rotate counterclockwise, Venus rotates the other way around, clockwise. As a result, Mama will watch the sun rise from the west and set in the east.

If this phenomenon occurs on Earth, it’s a sign that the world is not right anymore, Ma.

6. The planet Venus is a twin of Earth with hot lava everywhere

6. The planet Venus is the twin of any hot lava Earth


At first glance, the planets Venus and Earth are very similar to each other. Despite its smaller size (12,104 km diameter), Venus has an identical structure, which is also composed of an iron core, a hot mantle, and a rocky crust.

Even so, the conditions on the second closest planet to the Sun are much different. You could say like ‘hell’ because the surface of Venus is filled with volcanoes that are still active. That is why, the surface of the planet is filled with hot lava flows.

In addition, the mountains on Venus are as large as those on Hawaii. In fact, to quote National Geographic, there is one named Maxwell Montes, a volcano with the size of Mount Everest.

7. However, in the past it wasn’t that horrible, you know

7. However, in the past it was not that horrible,

Youtube.com/National Geographic

From the explanation above, of course Mama can understand that the second planet in the Solar System cannot support human life. However, scientists believe that the conditions for the planet Venus were not as ‘terrible’ as they are today.

From National Geographic, scientists estimate that around 2.9 billion to 715 million years ago, the temperature of the planet Venus was probably colder than Earth. They also add that it could be that the surface of the planet was once inundated by shallow oceans.

It looks uninhabitable at the moment, experts say that if humans want to live there, then they should be able to build a house floating 48 km above the cloud collections of Venus. The reason is because the temperature and pressure in the area is more or less similar to that in Earth.

8. Curious about the sound of the surface of the planet Venus?

8. Curious about the sound of the surface of the planet Venus


Despite being one of Earth’s neighbours, the planet Venus still contains many mysteries behind its thick clouds. More than 40 unmanned space probes have been sent to Mars, one of which was the first to set foot on Venus Mariner 2 in 1962.

However, most of them do not last long when entering the atmosphere of Venus. For example, quoting National Geographic, his conditions were so extreme they could only make Venus 9 lasted 53 minutes and Venus 13 for 127 minutes.

How bad is the situation there? Let’s listen to hear the sound of the surface of the planet Venus.

That was information about 8 interesting facts that children must know. Hopefully useful and increase knowledge, yes!

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