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8 foods that help lower blood pressure, acting as a cure-all against the danger of hypertension

One of the health problems that affects about 33% of men and 31% of women is hypertension. It causes the alteration of the pressure blood, resulting in an increased risk of stroke and heart attacks. So, there is very little to joke about and you have to immediately run to remedies to prevent it or reduce it, should it occur. So, the habits of life to be adopted against this dangerous disorder are, first of all: doing regular physical activity and not smoking. In addition, there is a need to be careful of nutrition, maintaining an adequate body weight. In addition, there are 8 foods that help lower blood pressure, acting as a cure-all against the danger of hypertension. Let’s see what they are, then let’s immediately insert them in our food diet. First, we have the blueberries which, eaten fresh, alone or accompanied with yogurt and smoothies, are a cure-all against pressure high. They are very useful for reducing the risk of hypertension and for safeguarding the health of the system cardiovascular. Not by chance, scholars found important positive effects on the heart and arteries related to their consumption.

8 foods that help lower blood pressure, acting as a cure-all against the danger of hypertension

The second central food for the purposes indicated above is walnuts. They play an important role in managing diastolic blood pressure by slowing the progression of heart failure. In addition, their intake helps to reduce central blood pressure as well. However, since they are particularly caloric and rich in unsaturated fats, it is good not to overdo it, only 3/5 a day is enough. Then, we have watermelon, which we can consume in the summer. It is rich in potassium and is perfect for preserving heart health. This is because its consumption allows to obtain a decrease in both systolic and diastolic blood pressure. The fourth food to use is 100% natural orange juice, without the addition of sugars, additives and dyes. It too, like other citrus fruits, helps reduce blood pressure.

The other central foods against hypertension

The fifth food to be included in our diet are fatty fish and blue fish. They are a source of omega 3, which can lower blood pressure levels, reducing the risk of heart problems. Then, we have lentils that play an important role against free radicals. In addition, they support the body in energy production, while at the same time reducing triglycerides in the blood.

In addition, being rich in potassium and magnesium, they are friends of heart health, contributing to the lowering of systolic pressure. The seventh most interesting food for heart health is yogurt. The latter, together with other dairy products, gives an important contribution of potassium and calcium. But be careful to choose one with no added sugar! Finally, we need to add turmeric to our diet, which can help keep blood pressure in check. It is also a very versatile spice that we can add to any type of dish.

(The information in this article is for information purposes only and does not in any way substitute for medical advice and / or the opinion of a specialist. Furthermore, it does not constitute an element for formulating a diagnosis or for prescribing a treatment. For this reason it is recommended, in any case, to always seek the advice of a doctor or a specialist and to read the warnings given. WHO”)—

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