04:01 PM
Tuesday 13 October 2020
I wrote – Nour Ibrahim
Many people prefer to eat chicken legs, but have you ever asked yourself how it affects your body and what benefits or harms it to health?
In the report, we review many health benefits that many people may not know when eating chicken legs, according to “steemit”.
Skin elasticity:
Chicken legs contain a large amount of collagen, according to a study conducted by the School of Animal Science at Chung-Hsing University in Taiwan, and it was found that chicken legs contain a high percentage of it.
Collagen is one of the special components that the skin of the body needs to maintain the elasticity of the skin, and although it is present in chicken legs it is similar to what is found in green vegetables and fruits that contain many vitamin C, but its benefits in chicken legs are very large, including:
It keeps the skin healthy and elastic because it supports the replacement of dead skin cells with new ones faster.
It can increase red blood cell production because it works by strengthening the structure of the blood vessels.
It helps the body lose weight, as it can increase fat metabolism in the body.
It can make bone structure stronger and prevent bone marrow diseases.
Bone strengthening:
Eating chicken legs helps maintain the joints and reduce the risk of bone infection, especially for the elderly, because it is easy for them to suffer from rheumatic joints and osteoporosis, because it helps absorb calcium.
Treating injuries:
The nutrition in chicken legs like protein and calcium is very important to help regenerate nerves, muscles and bones.
Maintains healthy digestive tracts:
Part of the chicken leg contains connective tissue and cartilage that contains all the nutrients such as protein, collagen, chondroitin and glucosamine that will dissolve when cooked in soup.
The benefits of these different nutrients are also very good for making your digestion healthier.
The effect of this nutrient is also important for making the intestine softer so that the digestive system becomes healthier.
Gum enhancement:
Some types of gum disease are caused by dental problems, but they can also be caused by the body, which results from a lack of vitamins and other nutrients.
Chicken legs are foods that contain large amounts of nutrients, and they have connective tissue and cartilage that can be transformed into a gel because they contain collagen, amino acids and some of the substances that make up gelatin. For this reason, all of these substances improve the health of the gums.
Improving the immune system:
Chicken legs contain important nutrients such as collagen or gelatin-forming factor, in addition to that they also contain various types of minerals such as zinc, copper, magnesium, calcium and phosphorous, all of these minerals the body needs to build health and overcome various diseases that improve the immune system.
Balancing the body’s hormones:
Chicken legs are rich in some amino acids that are good for the body, and one of the amino acids in it is Argentine, this is a kind of beneficial amino acid, as it helps the body to secrete hormones that cause stress and stress for both men and women.
Detoxify the skin:
Chicken legs contain connective tissue, which is very important for muscles, bones and the rest of the body, and the amino acids in them release glycerin, which strengthens body tissue, maintains organ health and helps remove toxins from the body.
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Really informative read! Chicken legs are one of the most nutritious foods. The dark meat of legs has greater concentration of nutrients than rest of the chicken.
Mothers used to give chicken leg broth to children who couldn’t walk and it worked perfectly well!