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8 Benefits of Cinnamon, Rich in Antioxidants Can Prevent HIV Virus

PeekLifestyle CelebsCinnamon Benefits Besides being able to be used as a spice and a mixture of dishes, cinnamon is also believed to have many benefits that are good for the body. The benefits of cinnamon have been used as a spice in cooking.

This spice is indeed very unique because it uses the bark of the cinnamon tree trunk. Various kinds of Indonesian cuisine use cinnamon for cooking spices such as beef stews. Cinnamon trees are widely found in Indonesia, precisely on the island of Sumatra.

Spices seem to be apart from being a cooking spice, like the benefits of other spices that are beneficial for health and the treatment of various diseases. This spice is rich in powerful antioxidants, such as polyphenols.

Cinnamon can be useful in terms of dealing with inflammation in the body. Studies show that this spice and its antioxidants have strong anti-inflammatory properties.

Cinnamon has been linked to a reduced risk of heart disease, the most common cause of premature death in the world. In addition to being a cooking spice, it turns out that the benefits of cinnamon for health cannot be underestimated, you know. Therefore, let’s find out the benefits and side effects.

Cinnamon also contains vitamins B and K and the antioxidants choline, beta-carotene, alpha-carotene, beta-cryptoxanthin, lycopene, lutein, and zeaxanthin.

Ingredients found in cinnamon:

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