Galicia registers its second highest number of infections, only behind yesterday’s 7,875, but active cases experience a notable decrease due to the change in Sergas methodology. From now on, patients who no longer have symptoms seven days after testing positive will be discharged automatically, so today there are 24,697 discharges, and active cases drop by almost 17,000. The incidence at 14 and 7 days reaches a maximum of 2,648 and 1,494, respectively..
The hospital situation worsens today, with 8 more patients than yesterday. Those hospitalized on the ward rose from 453 to 457 (+4), and those in the ICU rose from 53 to 57 (+4). In the last 24 hours, another 3 deaths have been reported. Patients in hospital are 136 more than last Thursday, but there are 4 more admitted to the ICU.
By health areas, today Vigo again exceeds 2,000 infections with 2,119 new cases, while that of A Coruña reaches 1,509.
These are the most relevant data today:
- The number of 7,875 new cases increased by 3,006 compared to 4,869 last Thursday, 61.7% more.
- Active cases drop to 59,451, a decrease of 16,825 infected.
- The number of hospitalized people drops from 510 to 506, 152 more than a week ago.
- The incidence at 14 days rises 140 points to 2,569 and the incidence at 7 days rises 125 points to 1,383 cases per 100,000 inhabitants.
today thursday more diagnoses are registered than the 4,869 of Thursday, January 6. The 7,875 new cases today include all kinds of tests, but it is not known how many have been by PCR, so the percentage of positives of the 8,168 carried out is not known. The 4,869 last Thursday were 38.24% positive out of 12,730 tests.
On the Sergas data website it says that in the last 24 hours 7,061 cases of COVID-19 have been “opened”, without specifying their origin, but the difference between the total number of infected since the start of the pandemic today (310,773) and yesterday’s (302,898) is 7,875 people. In the same way, the new infections that we indicate by health area are calculated with the same procedure.
In the last 24 hours they have been registered in Galicia 7,875 new cases of SARS-CoV-2, 3 deaths and 24,697 discharges, which makes bay and 16,825 people the cases of coronavirus, going from 76,276 yesterday to 59,451 today.
The total of hospitalized rises from 506 to 514. Last Thursday there were 378 hospitalized, 136 less than today. The total number of coronavirus cases recorded by Sergas since the start of the pandemic is 310,773.
Evolution of the number of infections and active cases
New confirmed cases in the last 14 days
Infections and active cases by health area
Active cases by health area
- A Coruña: 11,893 (-2,732)
- Ferrol: 3,646 (-990)
- Lugo: 6.317 (-1.602)
- Ourense: 7,738 (-1,877)
- Pontevedra: 6,610 (-2,022)
- Santiago: 9.173 (-4.170)
- Vigo: 14.074 (-3.432)
- Total: 59.451 (-16.825)
New infections by health area
- A Coruña: 1,509 (-151)
- Ferrol: 474 (+84)
- Lugo: 801 (-72)
- Ourense: 937 (+76)
- Pontevedra: 892 (-48)
- Santiago: 1.144 (`-220)
- Vigo: 2.119 (-136)
Incidence by Galician city
- A Coruña: 2,548
- Ferrol: 2,616
- Lugo: 3.006
- Ourense: 3,611
- Pontevedra: 2,730
- Santiago: 2.910
- Vigo: 2.853
More than 200 infections in the last 7 days
- Vigo 4 929
- A Coruña 3 731
- Ourense 2 060
- Lugo 1 612
- Santiago de Compostela 1 610
- Pontevedra 1 224
- Ferrol 964
- Vilagarcía de Arousa 754
- Potters 626
- Carballo 583
- Culleredo 531
- Narón 524
- Ames 512
- Redondela 492
- yokes 476
- Arteixo 435
- O Porriño 415
- Ponteareas 414
- Ribeira 407
- Chamber 350
- Moaña 345
- Marin 318
- Cambados 298
- Mos 298
- the road 284
- The Boat of Valdeorras 282
- Nigran 277
- Tui 276
- Fog 274
- Lalín 274
- Sarria 262
- Gondomar 258
- Sanxenxo 257
- Teo 252
- Barbadás 231
- girl 230
- O Carballiño 228
- Xinzo de Limia 226
- Verín 225
- Bayonne 208
- Pole 205
- Monforte de Lemos 201
- Nursery 201
More than 200 infections in the last 14 days
- Vigo 8 427
- A Coruña 6 261
- Ourense 3 800
- Lugo 2 954
- Santiago de Compostela 2 830
- Pontevedra 2 267
- Ferrol 1 728
- Vilagarcía de Arousa 1 322
- Ames 1 034
- Potters 976
- Narón 957
- Carballo 944
- Ribeira 917
- Culleredo 883
- Redondela 845
- Cangas 822
- Arteixo 761
- O Porriño 756
- Ponteareas 666
- Marin 629
- the 598 road
- The Boat of Valdeorras 587
- Fog 583
- Cambre 572
- Moaña 533
- Nigran 528
- Cambados 518
- Mos 518
- Verín 498
- Tui 491
- Sarria 483
- Teo 471
- Lalín 469
- O Carballiño 447
- Gondomar 445
- Sanxenxo 424
- Monforte de Lemos 407
- The Laracha 402
- Xinzo de Limia 397
- girl 394
- Bayonne 394
- Burela 390
- Barbadás 387
- Pole 350
- Tomiño 346
- Nursery 342
- Salceda de Caselas 341
- O Grove 319
- Betanzos 316
- Orders 305
- Caldas de Reis 296
- Fen 290
- A Pobra do Caramiñal 286
- Now 286
- Vilalba 279
- Rianxo 265
- Porto do Son 262
- Bueu 258
- Vilanova de Arousa 248
- Salvaterra de Miño 244
- walls 232
- Vimianzo 232
- Cee 228
- Standard 219
- The Bridges of García Rodríguez 219
- A Look 218
- Santa Comba 211
- Ribadeo 208
- Camariñas 202
Data by health areas
A Coruña
- Active cases: 11,893 (-2,732)
- Contagions: 1,509 (-151)
- Average infections last 3 days: 1,446 (+267)
- Average infections last 7 days: 1,136 (+88)
- Hospitalized floor: 103 (+4)
- Hospitalized ICU: 15 (+1)
- Active cases: 3,646 (-990)
- Contagions: 474 (+84)
- Average infections last 3 days: 412 (+67)
- Average infections last 7 days: 341 (+30)
- Hospitalized floor: 31 (+4)
- Hospitalized ICU: 4 (=)
- Active cases: 6,317 (-1,602)
- Contagions: 801 (-72)
- Average infections last 3 days: 749 (+97)
- Average infections last 7 days: 590 (+36)
- Hospitalized floor: 45 (-6)
- Hospitalized ICU: 4 (-1)
- Active cases: 7,738 (-1,877)
- Contagions: 937 (+76)
- Average infections last 3 days: 845 (+113)
- Average infections last 7 days: 707 (+22)
- Hospitalized floor: 70 (+4)
- Hospitalized ICU: 6 (-2)
- Active cases: 6,610 (-2,022)
- Contagions: 892 (-48)
- Average infections last 3 days: 827 (+91)
- Average infections last 7 days: 719 (+113)
- Hospitalized floor: 60 (-6)
- Hospitalized ICU: 8 (+1)
- Active cases: 9,173 (-4,170)
- Contagions: 1,144 (-220)
- Average infections last 3 days: 1,171 (+151)
- Average infections last 7 days: 876 (+45)
- Hospitalized floor: 69 (+6)
- Hospitalized ICU: 7 (+1)
- Active cases: 14,074 (-3,432)
- Contagions: 2,119 (-136)
- Average infections last 3 days: 1,931 (+284)
- Average infections last 7 days: 1,480 (+155)
- Hospitalized floor: 79 (-2)
- Hospitalized ICU: 13 (+2)
Deaths and weekly evolution
The total number of deaths since the beginning reaches 2,832 people, with 3 new victims reported in the last 24 hours, and there are 2,213 since the new normality, exceeding the 619 of the first wave. The total number of hospitalized patients is 514 (+8), divided into 57 (+4) in the ICU and 457 (+4) in hospitalization units. The total of PCR tests carried out is 3,440,648, of which 8,168 in the last 24 hours.
The week continues much worse than the previous one, and from Monday to Thursday 27,117 infections have been registered, 63.87% more than last week. The last few weeks have ended with 29,797, 30,751, 14,665, 8,158, 6,259, 4,970, 2,979, 1,682, 725, 416, 292, 193, 186, 201, 245, 389, 668, 1,138, 1,9917, 3,5,127, 3,5,127, 3,5,127 6,974, 8,414, 9,090, 7,085, 2,991, 1,394, 758, 548, 557, 620, 850, 1,067, 1,103, 1,217, 1,288, 1,362, 1,259, 1,091, 901, 877, 985, 1,112, 1,117, 1,780, 2,780, 2,498 4,066, 7,066, 10,337 and 10,526 infections respectively.