August 1 will be the exact date.
The Atari 2600 was originally released in 1977 and lived for an unusually long time, not least by today’s standards when it comes to console generations. In 1992 it stopped being produced and tens of millions of consoles have been sold. In August, it makes a comeback but in a slightly different form: Lego Atari 2600.
August 1 will be the date, the number of bits is 2,532 and the price tag lands at SEK 2,599. Turned on a dime, in other words. In addition to console and control, we also get a panoramic view of a classic gaming room in the late 70s or early 80s (see slideshow above). Also included are small construction kits with Asteroids, Centipede and Adventure, whose Lego cassettes fit in the Lego machine.
Chris McVeigh, Lego designer, expresses great nostalgia. Presumably, he is far from alone.
We hope that building this classic console takes you back to those halcyon days when a handful of pixels meant a world of adventure.
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