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769 deaths in 24 hours in Spain, 4,858 deaths in total in the country …

7:52 am: “People are afraid”… In India, the persecution of “heroes” against the coronavirus

If in France as in Italy, they are applauded, the fate of the caregivers is less enviable in India. Employees on the front line (delivery men, caregivers or cashiers, etc.) are attacked, even ousted from their home, by a paranoid population.

The phenomenon has grown to such an extent that even Indian politicians are alarmed. Prime Minister Narendra Modi spoke in person of the “huge problem” of harassing caregivers.

This week, doctors from the All India Institute of Medical Sciences in New Delhi, the country’s most renowned public hospital, asked for government assistance after caregivers were evicted from their homes. “Many doctors are on the street with their suitcases, nowhere to go, across the country,” they wrote in an open letter.

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