The numbers in the hospitals of the Azienda del Friuli Centrale. Less than 50% of the canteen and cleaning staff
Alessandro Cesare
February 14, 2021
UDINE. “We are over 60% of vaccinated AsuFc personnel.”
The confirmation comes directly from the director general of the central Friuli university healthcare company, Massimo Braganti, who takes stock a month and a half after the start of the Pfizer dose administration campaign at Santa Maria della Misericordia.
«The component of doctors exceeds 76% of vaccination, with peaks of 100% in some departments – adds Braganti -. We are over 50% of nurses and socio-health workers, below 50% for other employees ». Less enthusiastic participation, for example, among those involved in those services that the AsuFc outsources, such as the canteen or cleaning, but who in any case have direct contacts with the health facilities.
Pfizer’s administrations are not yet completed for internal staff. This is why Braganti still waits before making a final balance. But he does not rule out the compulsory vaccination against AsuFc collaborators: «Let’s see where we will arrive then we will decide – he adds – much will depend on the percentage of membership of certain categories. I repeat, we are still in the work phase ».
To date, the health authority has carried out over 26,000 doses of the vaccine, 19,000 of which only in Santa Maria della Misericordia, with 11,000 first doses and 8,000 recalls. The percentage of staff who have so far accepted to be administered the Pfizer vaccine is still quite high, considering that those of the operators who have been infected by Covid (1,350 in the last three months alone) cannot yet perform the injection. .
Analyzing the overall data, therefore, the personnel of the AsuFc “covered” by the antibodies of the virus (between vaccinated and former positives) exceeds by far 70%. Now, in addition to healthcare workers, it will also be the turn of the over 80s: “If until now our facility has dedicated itself 5 days a week to vaccinating internal staff, now we will reorganize everything, leaving one day a week for the operators and the rest for the over 80 », assures Braganti. Today the vaccine machine guarantees 600 injections a day, carried out between 1.30pm and 8pm on the ground floor of the hospital.
«In the last few weeks, every day the agenda has been filled by the doctors – Braganti closes -. Now let’s see how to proceed with those over 80, also considering that the vaccination points will be increased ». Chatting with those who work in health centers, it emerged what was confirmed by some international studies and that is that the more the level of education of the operators grows, the greater the participation in the vaccination campaign. But the “rule” does not apply to everyone.
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