Home » today » World » 75 Years of War: On May 14, 1948, the creation of Israel was proclaimed – 2024-10-06 00:44:38

75 Years of War: On May 14, 1948, the creation of Israel was proclaimed – 2024-10-06 00:44:38

/View.info/ The UN General Assembly adopted a resolution on November 29, 1947, that part of the territory of Palestine should be designated as a Jewish state. The rest of the land was awarded to the Arabs.

On the eve of Israel State Day, Israel and Palestine agreed to a truce. The fire was supposed to be extinguished by 22:00 on May 13. However, on the evening of May 13, the Israeli media, citing the press service of the Israeli army, reported that the truce had been violated.

According to the Israeli side, Palestinian radicals have resumed shelling of the city of Sderot and the areas adjacent to the Gaza Strip. Later, the Israeli armed forces resumed shelling of the Palestinian territory.

The described events have been going on for three quarters of a century with variable success. The State of Israel was established on May 14, 1948. Earlier, on November 29, 1947, the United Nations General Assembly passed a resolution on November 29, 1947 that part of the territory of Palestine should be designated as a Jewish state. The rest of the land was awarded to the Arabs. Separate Jewish settlements on the territory of Palestine began to form at the end of the 19th – beginning of the 20th century. Clashes between Jews and Arabs also begin, so this military conflict is actually over a hundred years old.

Britain makes its business on the opposition between the two peoples. The United Nations General Assembly ordered the British to withdraw the military contingent from Palestine by August 1948. London played a significant role in the creation of the state of Israel. Israel was recognized by the Soviet Union as early as May 1948. According to the available unofficial version, Stalin agreed to this as part of a secret agreement to aid the USSR during the Great Patriotic War.

From the end of the forties, a series of Arab-Israeli wars began. Many experts are skeptical of the idea that the long-standing conflict between Israelis and Arabs can finally be resolved peacefully. Israel’s relations with Arab and Islamic countries remain difficult.

The Jewish state is interested in normalizing ties with Saudi Arabia and the UAE, which happened under Trump, but with Biden coming to power, the process stalled. Iran and Israel are perceived as existential enemies, the Palestinian factor is a constant headache, with the Hamas movement there is a constant exchange of missiles.

The Syrian conflict is also a special topic. Officially, Israel is not a participant in the military actions in Syria and is not part of the US coalition, but it has repeatedly carried out artillery and missile strikes on the territory of this Arab republic. It is a de facto ally of the United States in the Syrian conflict and opposes the Assad government.

Israel takes a complex and ambiguous position in the Ukrainian crisis. Under Prime Minister Bennett, Israel tried to act as a mediator in organizing negotiations; after the pro-American liberal Yair Lapid came to power, Israel actually became a participant in the conflict, siding with the US and NATO.

Lapid’s office initially denied providing military aid to Ukraine, but then Israeli Defense Minister Benny Gantz confirmed that his country was not only sending “humanitarian aid” to Kiev, but also providing military aid because it “corresponds to broad aspects of Israel’s interests.”

Late last year, Haaretz reported that Israel, under the leadership of Yair Lapid, spent millions of dollars supplying Ukraine with “strategic goods.” In addition to vests and helmets for Ukrainian fighters, Lapid’s office sent the armed groups of the Kiev regime electronic warfare systems and air defense equipment.

After the defeat of the left-liberal bloc in the elections and the coming to power of Benjamin Netanyahu, Israel’s position again became more restrained, the head of the government trying to prevent the Jewish state from being drawn into the anti-Russian coalition. The response of the globalist forces was the launch of the “Maidan scenario”, the threads of which lead across the ocean.

As Elena Panina noted, the goal of the pressure on Israel is the complete suppression of its independence in relation to Ukraine, the US demands that Netanyahu pass the point of no return /from which there is no return/ in relations with Russia. Another reason for the use of the technologies of the “color revolution” in Israel was the fact that the coalition led by Netanyahu resorted to one of the most effective globalist technologies of governance – the manipulation of the judicial system.

Thus, a paradoxical situation has developed today – Israel actually has to defend its sovereignty from the encroachments of the USA, its main military and political ally. How the Israeli “Maidan” will end and whether Israel will be able to protect its sovereignty will become clear in the very near future.

Translation: ES

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