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75 Exclusive Discount Products for Small and Medium Enterprises: Start-up Lucky Bag Event Until March 15

Original title: 75 exclusive discount products covering six categories, the event will last until March 15, and will be launched on the market to provide “start-up lucky bags” to small and medium-sized enterprises.

“Your company is preparing to conduct research and development and wants to know the current situation of the industry. Our patent and scientific literature data query service covering 175 countries around the world can help.” At the Beijing “Yiqijingcai· At the first event of “Park Tour” in 2024, Zhao Zepeng, intellectual property consultant of August Gua Company, which provides technological innovation services, showed everyone the intelligent retrieval system. Five or six small and medium-sized enterprise owners in front of him expressed their opinions on this technology, which can help companies “diagnose the pulse” before research and development. “Very interested in the service.

This service has been “installed” in the 2024 New Year “Start-up Lucky Bag” for small and medium-sized enterprises to choose from. According to the Municipal Bureau of Economy and Information Technology, after the start of work during the Spring Festival holiday, the Beijing Small and Medium Enterprises Public Service Platform teamed up with service providers in various professional fields to launch a “Start of Work Lucky Bag” with 75 exclusive discounted service products for small and medium-sized enterprises to choose from.

At the event site, each company brought rich “benefits”. Changjietong Company targets the financial shortcomings of small and medium-sized enterprises and provides digital and intelligent financial software to allow enterprises to find profit points more accurately and conveniently, thereby reducing costs and increasing revenue. JD.com’s corporate services include a year-round subsidy of 1,500 yuan, and small and medium-sized enterprises can also enjoy “one-on-one” purchasing butler services when purchasing office supplies and other commodities.

Not long ago, the Beijing Small and Medium Enterprises Public Service Platform teamed up with service providers in various professional fields to launch the “Start-up Lucky Bag”. “The event attracted the attention of more than 100,000 people within 10 days of its launch.” The relevant person in charge of the small and medium-sized enterprise public service platform said that the “Start-up Lucky Bag” is to help enterprises reduce operating costs, promote effective connection between technological innovation and market resources, and promote Beijing’s Small and medium-sized enterprises improve their innovation capabilities and levels.

The 75 exclusive discount service products cover six categories: industrial and commercial finance and taxation, human resources, intellectual property, software services, technological innovation and testing and inspection. According to reports, the event will last until March 15. Small and medium-sized enterprises can log in to the “Beijing Tongqi Service Edition” APP through their mobile phones and search for “Start-up Lucky Bag” in the “Service” section for one-click selection.

“We will continue to promote the reform of the business environment, introduce a series of policies to benefit enterprises, and continue to improve the ‘1+17+N’ service system for small and medium-sized enterprises.” The relevant person in charge of the Municipal Economic and Information Bureau said that in 2024, “we will do everything possible to With the goal of “solving worries and problems of small and medium-sized enterprises”, we will establish a “one-game chess” work coordination system for the city’s small and medium-sized enterprise services, adhere to the service model of “inclusive + key points”, create a series of small and medium-sized enterprise service brands that highlight Beijing’s characteristics, and further promote the transformation and upgrading of small and medium-sized enterprises. and high-quality development.

It is reported that in 2024, the city will introduce a series of policies and measures such as “Several Measures for the High-Quality Development of Specialized and New Echelon Enterprises” and “Beijing’s Work Plan for Improving Quality and Efficiency of the Service System for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises in Beijing” to improve the policy system and at the same time carry out “Bureau Director “Talk about policies”, strengthen the publicity and implementation of policies that benefit enterprises; promote financial support for enterprises, make good use of policy financial tools such as small and medium-sized funds, small and medium-sized funds, and reduce corporate financing costs; promote innovation to strengthen enterprises, increase gradient cultivation, and promote the digitalization of small and medium-sized enterprises Transformation and green and intelligent development, cultivate more “specialized, special and innovative” enterprises, “little giant” enterprises and “hidden champion” enterprises; continue to do a good job in cleaning up the accounts owed to small and medium-sized enterprises to protect the legitimate rights and interests of enterprises; carry out a series of assistance and benefits to enterprises Enterprise activities help small and medium-sized enterprises connect resources and integrate into the chain.

“Yiqi Jingcai” is an important brand activity of this city to serve small and medium-sized enterprises. As a sub-series of “Yiqi Beijing Lottery”, “Park Tour” relies on Beijing’s public service system for small and medium-sized enterprises to promote “hundred institutions to enter ten thousand enterprises”, increase the efforts of government departments to “deliver policies and provide excellent services”, and strengthen leading enterprises The “give business, place orders” cooperation model focuses on opening up scenarios, sharing resources, and providing opportunities for small and medium-sized enterprises to better promote the healthy development of small and medium-sized enterprises. (Cao Zheng)

2024-03-02 02:40:00
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