During the mega march through Mönchengladbach, the aim was to cover 50 kilometers in twelve hours. 740 participants started. However, not all of them reached their destination at Nordpark.
Photo: Rick, Mark (rick)/Markus Rick (rick)
Mönchengladbach 740 participants started the “mega march” and dared to hike 50 kilometers through Mönchengladbach in twelve hours. Not all of them reached the finish at Nordpark.
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Knairt öSkclt tgeh cuha tossn eirggälmeß dawenr, n oleniwaseemrr abre kneei 50 emtleKori am cSk, tü tärv ei: s „tnsSo neheg wri 20 eo r – ilmKte ahncda wisdr ‘hat.“ R
cliehaM naeHmnr zuntt edi lneteihietzgSeg ma sshcloS Rt, yhde um eesni Feßü ien bhsneics uz tfülne: „sE uäflt, dnrrwbaue bsierh its es ucha conh chnti rdantgeenns udn chi lfhüe ichm hn, kmoemgen ndu arw uahc hcson mi eeneagnnrvg Jahr mebi cghseMrama ni gadMnbnhhleaccö dai.be h „Ic ifnde oeesnrsdb ads Ssslhco dehRyt dun iarktcWh önhsc dnu ide eWge an edr eiNsr nelatn“.
Meiahlc aneHmnr its eietsbr üegbt then: rWe teLs “etz hraJ beanh wir aossw iicgehntel deej ecWho atgmh, e” c ltreähz re ndu its iichvucthzrse, l es at the dnEe esd sgaTe sleplboomr at dawn to iZnNrec
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tmerdozT sit achn 20 Krlnemitoe honc aelsl in dOgnnru nud ies tcalh: honc oS “gaalsnm iwdr es unr nei bciessnh enegarnsdtn üfr eid F, eßü” errtäv i.se ie rwntade hauc tossEng is at esgrbec. uc “Ih wra’end chau tonss noshc, lma arbe erhe im aUlubr ni” nB, aeyr tsag naaLu wieieztdS.
mA dEne des seTga ehrcnriee 859 nieTmeelhr edr 470 tesrenatgte rWnardee enalnihrb red lzfwö tdnenSu dsa oeeegvngebr Zlei ma ordapNr.k oVr aemll die ehröneh mtaeeerupnTr nud edi drshltaene noeSn ba med ghatctaiNm aemnhc enignie dWaernern zu feh: na nascf eiB “mde teetrW enrhebc remmi ncho teeLu svnhnceeieder lneSlet “, ba tasg Otgiarrasno biFaan eshrcSor ma hüefnr beAdn.
mtgsaeIns uerlvftä red aemcMhargs udhcr ncceMögahdlhnba an esdemi nnobnaSed erba s.geuiolnrsb
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