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73 reservoirs in the country are in critical condition – ᐉ News from Fakti.bg – Bulgaria

73 dams in the country are in critical condition and a larger wave could lead to flooding of settlements. This was stated to BNT by the chairman of the State Agency for Metrology and Technical Control – Petar Gornovski. One of the dangers is again near Moesia – the place where people remember the devastating flood in 2014. The condition of the Barzina dam there is critical, although the state has allocated BGN 3 million for the repair of dams in this area.

The dam that is now considered dangerous is the dam that the people of Moesia will not forget.

“In 2014, when it was the biggest flood – and then the situation got under control,” recalls Sonya Nenkova, deputy mayor of the village of Botevo.

“We haven’t slept, we stay in the car all night, we don’t dare enter the house,” said a woman from the village.

They hope not to experience a second such episode. If the Barzina Dam is gone, any heavy rain would mean a flood. It is there now, but it is almost useless.

“The problems are here – in the dam wall. The wall was about to be demolished,” said Nikolai Anchin, a hydro-ameliorative construction engineer.

Three years ago, the state allocated a 7-figure sum for the two dams. chart However, the visible result of the money is half.

“The money that was given to us by the government was BGN 3 million for the two dams, which turned out to be extremely insufficient. We could only bring the dam in such a state – not dangerous for people,” explained Todor Todorov – mayor. Hayredin.

The renovation of Rogozen has been completed successfully. But at Speed ​​it was started and stopped. Because of local problems, because of the weather, because of lack of money. And the result is now a dug wall.

“The wall was not repaired, on the contrary – the wall has been dug at the moment,” said Petar Gornovski. “So he’s dangerous, isn’t he?” “Well, of course!”

The excavation was intentional – as a temporary solution, while the municipality is waiting for more money.

“We have been saying this for 2 years now. The dam is dug. And it is frozen. Neither forward nor backward,” said Nikolai Anchin, a hydro-ameliorative construction engineer.

The agency that monitors the condition of the dam knows this. And he comes across another paradox – the answer to the question of whose responsibility it is is complicated, because the water lake belongs to the state, and the wall – to the municipality.

“It is difficult for us as an administrative-penal activity to impose on whom, because in fact one is the water lake, another is the wall – and we are responsible for the wall and the facility. There are such cases not only in Northwestern Bulgaria, but throughout the country.” , specified Petar Gornovski.

Here, each inspection of the control bodies ends with the conclusion that the repair is urgent. And with an answer from the municipality that it is really urgent, but no money.

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