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«71 grader nord – team»:

In February, it all started first season of «71 degrees north – team» to roll over Norwegian TV screens. In the brand new concept, eight celebrity participants have joined forces as a couple and competed against each other in a race across the country.

The couples have fought his way through tough natural terrain and faced a number of challengeswhich has led to intense quarrels, drama and tears.

On Sunday, the stage was finally set for the big final. The pairs that remained and fought for first place were Elisa Røtterud (42) and Thomas Alsgaard (50), as well as Jon Almaas (54) and Adam Schjølberg (40).

TEARS: It gets teary-eyed when one of the participants breaks down during tonight’s episode of “71 degrees north – team”. Video: Luna Lea / Discovery +
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– That is so sad

From the village of Flørli, the couples had to paddle the fjord all the way in, where they also had to answer a number of questions along the way.

In the end, it was about doing and getting ashore as quickly as possible, and then fighting through the heavy turns up to Øygardstølen, where the winners were to be chosen.

After a long and demanding final stage, it was finally Elisa Røtterud and Thomas Alsgaard who ran away with the victory.

– It has been fantastic fun. I think it’s so sad that it’s done, Røtterud exclaimed in tears, when it dawned on her that they had won.

WON: Elisa Røtterud and Thomas Alsgaard won the first season of «71 degrees north - team».  Photo: Haakon Lundkvist

WON: Elisa Røtterud and Thomas Alsgaard won the first season of «71 degrees north – team». Photo: Haakon Lundkvist
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– I think it has been exciting. Many nice and varied tasks and challenges. I like that it has gone in one then, not so many rest days and transport days. It has been good, Alsgaard said.

When asked what it had been like to be on the team during the stay, he answered the following:

– It has been challenging, and it is intense then, but now we are here. So it’s good to get a break now.

– Does not mean much

In connection with the victory, Dagbladet talked to Røtterud, who could tell that it was not really that important for her to win.

– I thought I would be very happy to get a first place, but in retrospect it is the experiences and much of the friendship that is valued most. So the first place on “71” does not mean much to me, to be completely honest, she said, adding:

OVERCOME: After a long and challenging journey, the winning couple could finally celebrate the victory.  Photo: Haakon Lundkvist

OVERCOME: After a long and challenging journey, the winning couple could finally celebrate the victory. Photo: Haakon Lundkvist
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– The final stage was incredibly long in the widest known world. We were incredibly tired, but then we were in a way mentally ready to get an end to it.

– Did you realize that you were going to win when you solved the last task?

– Yes, we did. I realized that Adam and Jon were quite far behind us, and it was incredibly heavy to carry that box, and Thomas was just ready to win. But when we answered incorrectly on one of the tasks, I thought it was very fun, and thought that if they caught us, it would be damn good TV.

WITHDRAWAL: One of the participants withdraws from «71 degrees north – team». Video: Luna Lea / Discovery +
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– What do you think about the collaboration between you and Thomas?

– The collaboration between us was interesting. He is a former individual top athlete and took this seriously, while I saw a little more playfulness and fun in it. Because it was the rules all the time that were changed, and if you win a stage, the team had to wait a quarter of an hour and start last. So I took it less and less seriously. But Thomas really wanted to win at any cost.

– Do not have contact

From previous episodes it has gone several times a hot ball between Røtterud and Alsgaardand the collaboration between the two gradually cut off, despite the fact that it started well.

Now Røtterud reveals how the atmosphere is between them today.

– We do not have contact today. It remains between us in the group. We have had very good contact with the other participants and been to many nice dinners, but something beyond that I have no need to comment.

In familiar style, the winners of the “71 degrees north” universe will receive a car as a prize. It is admittedly not just-just to win a car together, and Røtterud reveals how they will distribute it.

– I have decided to buy out Thomas, so I take the car.

TAKEN ON THE BED: Elisa Røtterud understood little when her partner Thomas Alsgaard “snapped” during a trip in the “71 degrees north – team”. Video: Red Carpet / Discovery +
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Dagbladet has been in contact with Marianne Aambø, senior communications consultant at Discovery, who informs that Thomas Alsgaard does not want to answer questions regarding the case.

When asked by Aambø whether the production has been involved in the distribution of the prize, she answers:

– The winning team gets a car from Toyota, then it is up to them how they will manage the prize. We do not indulge in it.

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