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71 degrees north team, Victoria Tolaas

Victoria Tolaas (22) and Safari Shabani (24) have through the new investment in TV Norway, «71 degrees north – team», served the TV viewers with both tears, drama and loud quarreling.

Most people know Tolaas from the NRK series “Norway’s Toughest” as a distinctly competitive person, something she also confirms through her “71” participation. Shabani on the other hand is a YouTuber and podcaster, and takes life a little more calmly than the former.

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Tolaas and Shabani had never met before they went on a trip together, and the differences would prove to present a number of challenges.

Already in the first episode, Tolaas sheds tears and shows great dissatisfaction with his fellow hiker, which made the comment fields boil as fast as the series rolled across the TV screens.

More ugly comments

In the comment fields and private messages, it is mostly Tolaas who gets to feel the negative attention. Comments such as “whining bitch” and “you are awkward” are among the comments that recur.

Tolaas can reveal to Nettavisen that the slang remarks in the comment fields are just the tip of the iceberg. On a daily basis, the 22-year-old receives messages from TV viewers that are not of the pleasant kind.

– I have received a lot of ugly comments in my inbox, she says to Nettavisen, and thinks it is her competitive instinct that many react to.

– I will not lie and say that it does not affect me, but I try to put it away, she says.

The 22-year-old says that she herself is aware that she has a great competitive instinct and knew that it would be a challenge in the competition where you are dependent on working with your partner.

– I have been prepared for the worst, says Tolaas.

Tolaas was admittedly not prepared for all the negative comments that have flowed into the inbox after the program was broadcast on TV. Now several have criticized the former participant from “Norway’s Toughest” for not taking her partner into account during the trip and for whining a lot.

Tolaas herself can admit to Nettavisen that she has dreaded seeing that side of herself on TV.

Was surprised

After participating in “Norway’s Toughest”, positive feedback flowed in from TV viewers, who were mildly surprised by the 22-year-old’s skills. Due to the positive feedback from the previous reality show, the negative attention this time came as a shock to Tolaas.

– It was a complete reversal for me to accept all the bad comments. Often people do not have the strength to comment if they think it is something positive, but they comment very quickly if they find something negative, she says to Nettavisen.

Tolaas makes no secret of the fact that she and Shabani are very different, something she realized even before she met her fellow hiker for the first time. She is in fact more fond of competitions than her partner Safari Shabana.

Also, Tolaas is a former swimmer, while Shabani has a fear of water.

Worse than «Norway’s Toughest»

In the program «Norway’s Toughest», ten well-trained participants compete through hard physical and mental exercises. The former participant from the tough program does not hide that “71 degrees north – team” became a bigger challenge than she had imagined.

“71” was tougher, yes. Mostly because of the long stages we had to go through. On «Norway’s Toughest» a competition could last for 5 minutes, but for many long hours on «71 degrees north – team».

– At the same time, it was a demanding competition both physically and mentally, the 22-year-old adds.

Despite a demanding and long trip, she does not regret for a single second that she joined. After the recording, Tolaas and Shabani have found the tone, and are good friends today.

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