Home » today » Health » 70% of Nurses, Oss and Health Professionals who have died or fallen ill with Covid-19 are women. The cry of pain of FIALS. – AssoCareNews.it

70% of Nurses, Oss and Health Professionals who have died or fallen ill with Covid-19 are women. The cry of pain of FIALS. – AssoCareNews.it

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Covid, Fials: With 102,942 infected, 70% of whom are nurses, women are the most affected. Dramatic gender disparity reveals who has been exposed the most.

Female 70 professional infections out of 100: women are the most affected by Covid at work with 102,942 infections out of the total of 147,875 reports received as of 31 January 2021. The category most affected by the infection is that of health technicians: first of all nurses with 70% of cases, followed by social health and social assistance workers. While 79 female deaths are registered. This is what emerges from the “Women Dossier” that Inail has prepared in view of 8 March. A dramatic gender disparity that reveals who has been most exposed to the virus, in fact the majority of those who fight on the front line are female.

“Dramatic numbers that alarm us and cause concern for this third wave. Unfortunately, the fact that the nurses are the most affected is not surprising. Certainly we did not expect such a striking figure. In the absence of a pandemic plan, we have witnessed the developments of the pandemic in its various phases within the structures: first there were no Dpi, then the number was scarce, finally we believed we could rest assured on the provisions, but we learn from recent judicial investigations that some masks were not up to standard. It is very serious “. So Giuseppe Carbone, general secretary of Fials, comments on the Inail surveys on accidents and occupational diseases.

“We ask that clarity be clarified as soon as possible – he attacks – so that the levels of responsibility are ascertained, also because, as Inail announces, it was the health professionals who paid for it in terms of infections. Other than women’s day, here there is a dramatic gender disparity ”. The data goes against the trend, according to the dossier, with respect to the complex of accidents at work. “I believe it is opportune that the safety protocols to safeguard the safety of all health professionals, who for more than 30% are also accusing the symptoms of post-traumatic stress syndrome, should be reviewed immediately – concludes Carbone. Not to mention the aftermath of those who have fallen ill ”.

As for deaths, Inail certifies that the most affected category is always that of health technicians, with one case out of every four complaints: 70% are nurses. The socio-health and social-assistance workers follow with respectively 14.1% and 12.8% of the cases detected. The average age of the infected is 46 years. Higher, that of those who did not make it, which is 56 years. Geographically, the prevalent injuries are concentrated in Lombardy (28.3% of female complaints), followed by Piedmont (15.4%), Veneto (11.1%) and Emilia Romagna (8.5%). Lombardy has always registered the highest number of female victims, with 39.2%, followed by ER (15.2%) and Piedmont (8.9%).

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