Saturday in 86, just like thecloudy sunday.>> a difference ofvery relative temperaturescompared to last week.$70,000,000 were approved infederal funds to helpchild care in new york.I wanted to bring relief toparents in communitiesvulnerable. we deepen withDemocratic congressmanAdriano Espaillat.the almost 70,000,000 ingrants will use inchild care programsrecently authorized instate of new york, wherethere were enough placeschild care.what does it mean for uscommunity these $70,000,000for child care?>> very important, the economycan’t bounce, can’tgo back to how it was beforethe pandemic, not countingspaces to care forour children.there are deserts of carechildren in differentneighborhoods, including the uppermanhattan.hope: more than half of thenew york is considered achildcare wilderness.60% in the state. during thepandemic, at 2000 center ofchild care disappeared.cause to 2,000,000 ofwomen lost their jobs.there were 340 four suppliers and12,000 new quotas will be createdfor children.some will be eradicatedwhere are children’s deserts?>> expands the number ofspaces, extra money for morecare workerschildren and opportunities forparents.there are also funds forpeople who are giving youor is this going to increasesignificantly the number ofplaces for attention in hoursnon-traditional. going toeliminate tax ondiapers>> for those people whooffer child caretheir own homes, manyfamilies choose to send theirchildren to take care ofbuilding or its own block.know the person andstaff provides good service.hope: so this isof great help forvulnerable communities.>> will help communitiesthat they lack their spaces for