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7 Ways to Shrink a Flat Stomach in Women


How to shrink a distended stomach in women not only by exercising. There are many other ways you can do to reduce fat around the abdominal area. Photo Illustration/Eat This, Not That

JAKARTA – How to shrink bloated stomach in women not only by exercising. There are many other ways to reduce fat around the stomach area.

Lack of exercise and a fast-paced diet can cause irregular metabolic processes in the individual’s body, which ultimately results in the accumulation of fat in the stomach. Fat that accumulates in the abdominal area will cause a distended stomach.

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A distended stomach is one of the health problems that will arise if the lifestyle that people live is bad, such as eating food by consuming excessive fat without being balanced with exercise. Excess abdominal circumference is related to the presence of fat in the stomach itself.

Reporting from Healthline, here are seven ways to shrink a distended stomach in women.

1. Exercise regularly

Excess fat around the stomach occurs because you are less mobile, so excess calories will be stored as fat. If food intake contains a lot of calories (energy), but only a small amount of energy is used for activities such as sports, the excess energy is stored in the form of fat.

Therefore, to reduce a distended stomach in women, it is necessary to support it with sports activities or physical exercise regularly and measurably according to the needs of the body.

Also Read: Here are 4 Tips to Shrink a Distended Stomach in a Healthy Way

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