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7 Ways to Lower High Blood Pressure, One of them Try 6 Salt Substitute Spices

method lower pressure high blood pressure everyone needs to know. There are 7 method lower hypertension or pressure high blood pressure.

LENGKONG, AYOBANDUNG.COM – hypertension or pressure high blood pressure is a condition where pressure blood pressure is at 130/80 mm Hg or higher. If not controlled, hypertension can lead to various health complications that are life-threatening, such as increasing the risk of heart disease and stroke.

Therefore, everyone needs to know method lower pressure high blood pressure. As reported by Medical News Today, there are 7 method lower hypertension or pressure high blood pressure.

1. Exercise regularly

Exercise is not only useful for maintaining physical fitness but also one of the method lower high blood pressure which is recommended quite often by fitness and medical experts.

Exercise such as walking a distance of up to 1 km, or running once per week for 70-150 minutes can keep your heart healthy and healthy lower pressure blood. Even if you can only walk for 30 minutes per day can help lower pressure high blood pressure, so give it a try.

2. Reduce sodium intake

You may often eat foods that contain sodium. From now on this must be reduced to overcome high blood pressure. Many studies reveal one method lower high blood pressure is to reduce sodium intake in the salt.

It is recommended to replace processed foods with fresh fruits, fresh vegetables, and do not need to be seasoned a lot salt. Better seasoned SpiceSpice only than salt.

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