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“7 Unusual Symptoms of Dengue Virus Infection You Shouldn’t Ignore: Expert Insights on New Strains and How to Protect Yourself”

Dengue virus is a mosquito-borne disease that affects millions of people worldwide. The disease is caused by four different serotypes of the virus, known as DENV-1, DENV-2, DENV-3, and DENV-4, each representing a distinct strain of the virus. The latest strain, DENV-2, is known to be one of the most lethal variants that cause severe symptoms of dengue.

Dengue is prevalent primarily in tropical and sub-tropical climates like India. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), over half of the world’s population is at risk of the dengue virus, with over 100-400 million new infections occurring yearly. Most people are familiar with the common symptoms of dengue, including high fever, severe headaches, eye pain, muscle and joint pain, and rashes. However, many may not know about the less common but peculiar symptoms that can be associated with dengue.

We spoke to Dr. Prashant Bhatt, Senior Consultant Internal Medicine, Manipal Hospitals, Patiala, to learn more about the different strains of dengue virus that are currently circulating in the environment and the symptoms they can cause. Dr. Bhatt explains that the dengue virus is an evolving virus that comes up with new and stronger strains periodically. The new evolution of the dengue virus occurs because of genetic mutations or the introduction of new viruses from other regions.

Besides the common symptoms, there are other unusual signs of the dengue virus that often get ignored. Below are some of the unusual symptoms that one should watch out for:

1. Persistent vomiting

Vomiting and nausea are common symptoms of dengue. However, if a person experiences persistent vomiting that does not subside even after taking medicine, they should seek medical attention immediately.

2. Sensitivity to light

Dengue may cause a person to become more sensitive to light, making them extremely uncomfortable. The medical term for this symptom is photophobia.

3. Cold and sweaty extremities

People with dengue may experience cold and sweaty palms and feet. This symptom can result from the drop in body temperature that occurs during fever.

4. Reduced bladder control

Dengue may cause a disruption in bladder control, leading to an increased need to urinate and experiencing leakage or dribbling.

5. Gum Bleeding

Gum bleeding is a rare but unusual symptom of dengue. It can occur due to the reduced blood platelets in the body.

6. Restless leg syndrome

Restless leg syndrome is a condition that causes a person to experience uncomfortable sensations in their legs, such as itching or a crawling feeling. People with dengue may experience this symptom due to muscle and joint pain.

7. Seizures

Seizures are rare but can occur in people with severe dengue. It is a medical emergency and requires immediate medical attention.

In addition to the above symptoms, other unusual symptoms of dengue may include sudden hair loss, breathing difficulties, and unexplained bruising and bleeding.

To protect oneself from the disease, several steps can be taken, such as removing mosquito breeding sites, using mosquito nets and screens, wearing protective clothing, applying mosquito repellent, and avoiding going outdoors during peak mosquito activity. If any symptoms of dengue virus infection occur, one should immediately connect with a doctor for treatment.

In conclusion, dengue virus infection can cause severe symptoms that can even lead to death. Therefore, it is essential to keep oneself protected and seek medical attention immediately if any symptoms occur. By taking preventive measures and early diagnosis and treatment, the risk of severe illness can be minimized.

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