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7 types of migraines and how to know the cause of the symptoms experienced

TRIBUNBATAM.id – Migraine is a neurological condition that can be much worse than a severe headache.

There are many types migraine and each can cause different symptoms.

You may experience dizziness, vision changes, muscle weakness, or stomach pain, depending on the type migraine what you are experiencing.

Different kinds migraine it doesn’t even cause headaches.

Here are some types migraine and how to know the type migraine what do you try, as reported Insiders.

1. Migraine with aura

Along with normal migraines, some people with migraines experience an “aura phase” before or during the migraine.

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When you have an aura, you may see brightly colored flashes of light or lines throughout your vision, or you may feel a tingling-like sensation in your body.

Experts don’t know exactly what causes it migraine aura, but auras most likely occur when cells on the surface of the brain are activated abnormally.

When this happens, Charles Flippen, a professor of neurology at the University of California, Los Angeles, says it triggers changes in blood flow to the area of ​​the brain that controls vision and touch.

2. Migraine without aura

If you try migraine without an aura, you have symptoms migraine common as a severe headache with no visual symptoms that come with an aura.

Migraines can also cause nausea, vomiting, and sensitivity to light and sound.

Experts still don’t fully understand what causes it migrainebut according to Flippen migraine partly due to your genetics.

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