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7 Tips to Keep Your Brain Healthy and Young

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia

The older the age, the function brain progressively decreasing marked more often forget and work thought slow down. But there are a number of ways you can do to keep the brain healthy and youthful.

One of them, through writing and reading. This activity was also carried out by Sapardi Djoko Damono during his lifetime. The poet known as the poem “June Rain” died at the age of 80 on Sunday (7/19).

Even until his 77th birthday, the writer who was born in Solo still gave birth to seven books at once in the form of a novel and six collections of poetry. The works include Pingkan Folding the Distance which is the second novel from the June Rain Trilogy, What News Is There Today, Den Sastro? .

The brain has an important role in running organs throughout the body. In addition, the brain also regulates mental and cognitive functions.

Therefore it is important to maintain brain health because it reflects both mental and physical health. Here’s how to keep the brain healthy and youthful.

1. Stimulates the brain

Studies show that stimulating or stimulating brain activity can trigger the appearance of new cells. These new cells keep the brain healthy and youthful.

Stimulating the brain can be done by reading, taking courses, solving puzzles, or counting. Activities such as drawing, painting and crafts can also stimulate the brain.

Illustration: Various activities that stimulate the work of the brain can help the growth of new cells, so that the brain becomes ageless. Some activities include reading, painting and also solving puzzles. (Photo: wendybuiter / Pixabay)-

2. Physical activity

Quoted from Harvard Medical School, studies show exercise can help calm the mind and brain. People who exercise regularly increase the number of small blood vessels that carry oxygen-rich blood to the brain.

Exercise also spurs the development of new nerve cells and improves connections between brain cells. This makes the brain perform better. Exercise also lowers blood pressure, cholesterol levels, and reduces mental stress, all of which are good for the brain.

3. Healthy eating patterns

Good nutrition can maintain the mind and body. Consume foods rich in nutrients such as high in fiber and vitamins and protein. Also avoid foods that are high in sugar, salt, and fat because it is bad for the brain.

4. Maintain blood pressure

High blood pressure increases the risk of decreased cognitive function. Keep your blood pressure normal by exercising regularly, not smoking and consuming alcohol, and not stressed.

5. Maintain blood sugar levels

High blood sugar and diabetes are risk factors for dementia, brain disease. That is why it is important to keep blood sugar levels normal to keep the brain healthy and youthful.

6. Maintain emotions

Emotion has an important role in brain function. People who are restless, depressed, lack of sleep, and fatigue tend to have poor cognitive function.

Conversely, people who can regulate emotions well have better brain function.

7. Get along a lot

Studies show that good social ties with others can keep the brain healthy and youthful. Having a healthy and pleasant relationship also reduces the risk of dementia.

(ptj / NMA)

[Gambas:Video CNN]

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