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7 Tips for Cheap and Healthy Food: Save Money on Groceries while Making Healthy Choices

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Many people notice it: groceries are becoming more expensive, and it doesn’t stop there. House prices, gasoline: many things are rising in price. That is why we share a number of tips for cheap and healthy food. You better spend the money you spend on food that really benefits your body. This way you can save on groceries, but still make healthy choices.

We have already shared tips to save on your groceries, but the tips below will help you even more to pay attention to the money without having to compromise on the quality of your food. Because not only your wallet, but also your body is very happy with that.

7 tips for cheap and healthy food

1. Go for legumes

You often buy legumes in the supermarket in cans or glass. They are good substitutes for an expensive piece of meat or fish, because they contain a lot of protein, lots of fiber, iron and other useful nutrients. Therefore, the advice of the Nutrition Center to eat legumes every week. Examples of legumes are lentils, brown, white and black beans, chickpeas, split peas and kidney beans.

For example, red lentils are a source of carbohydrates and proteins. In addition, they also contain vitamins (such as B1 and B6, both important for sufficient energy) and minerals such as zinc, iron and magnesium. Tip: buy dried lentils. These are often twice as cheap as canned lentils.

2. Pick the outsiders

Not all fruits and vegetables are equally beautiful when harvested. You can often find these somewhat less attractive (but still tasty) fruit and vegetables for a smaller price on the shelf as an ‘outlier’. This concerns crooked cucumbers, smaller peppers or apples that did not pass the inspection. It may not always make a difference, but every little bit helps.

3. Frozen vegetables

Did you know that frozen vegetables are just as healthy as fresh vegetables? “They are equally healthy because with the frozen product, the fresh vegetables are frozen immediately after harvesting. This preserves vitamins, minerals and other nutrients,” said nutritionist Camella Bot in an earlier article Metro.

And that’s good to know, because frozen vegetables are often cheaper than fresh vegetables and even vegetables from a jar or can. In addition, fresh vegetables spoil faster, so they end up in the trash sooner. A shame, especially if you watch the money. Frozen vegetables are also a better option in that case, because you can store them longer.

Do you want to go for the healthiest vegetables? Then grab this list. You won’t find all these types of vegetables in the frozen section of the supermarket, but you will find a lot.

4. Frozen fruit

After frozen vegetables, frozen fruit can of course not be left behind. Do you often use fresh strawberries in a smoothie? Choose frozen strawberries. For example, a kilo bag of strawberries at Albert Heijn currently costs 3.99 euros, which is much cheaper than fresh Dutch strawberries (3.19 euros for 400 grams). This little switch in groceries can help you save a lot of money. And here too: you don’t have to throw away frozen fruit because it starts to mold due to the warm weather. Win win.


It is better not to choose these supermarket products

Do you want to save on your groceries? Limit the purchase of products such as candy, cookies and chips. Your body benefits more from fresh products, and often products full of sugar are also a lot more expensive.

5. Buy healthy products in bulk

Are there healthy products that you eat often, such as pasta, rice or eggs? Then buy them in bulk to save money. After all, you will eat these products anyway, and that can save a lot of money. Take eggs for example, they are very versatile. You can make an omelette with it, boil an egg, and if you’re working hard in the kitchen, you can even poach it (great for Sunday brunch).

Do you buy free-range eggs in a large package of 30 pieces? Then you only pay 0.19 euros per egg at Jumbo. If you buy eggs in a pack of six, the price can sometimes rise to 0.45 euros per egg.

6. Soup

Soup is very healthy, because it often contains a lot of vegetables. Vegetables are naturally full of healthy nutrients. You will find countless packages of soup in the supermarket, but making soup yourself is a lot cheaper. All you need are stock cubes, water and your favorite vegetables. That is why soup fits well in our list of cheap and healthy food.

Go for vegetables that you like, or choose vegetables that have to be eaten (throwing food away is a waste and expensive). Cook a large pot of soup and store any leftovers in the fridge or freezer for later. Save even more? Buy vegetables that are in season, or get your fresh groceries at the market.

A few delicious recipes from our colleagues from Culy:

7. Homemade salads

The same also applies to other ready-to-eat meals, such as salads. Making salads yourself is a lot cheaper than going for an easy option every time. In addition, homemade salads contain a lot less salt and sugar, and contain more vitamins. Purchasing all the ingredients at once is of course more expensive, but you can make a lot more salad with them.

Looking for more tips to save on your groceries? Make your own detergent. We tell you how to do that in this article. If you want to read more about nutrition, then you’ve come to the right place.

You can always make something from leftovers: 7 tips for the kitchen

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2023-07-29 17:57:45
#save #groceries #choose #cheaper #healthy #food

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