Home » Health » 7 Tips and Tricks to Avoid the Winter Blues: Exercise, Healthy Eating, and More

7 Tips and Tricks to Avoid the Winter Blues: Exercise, Healthy Eating, and More

Increasingly shorter days, longer nights and colder temperatures. It may not be officially winter yet, but it sure feels like it! A person would suffer from the winter blues for less. Are you such a person? These are our tips and tricks to avoid the winter blues.

Go exercise.

Find a workout buddy and bring out your inner athlete two or three times a week. Because there is no better way to feel good than exercising. It releases endorphins (feel-good substances that your body also produces during sex), gives you more energy and is the ideal remedy for depression. In short: your body and your head will benefit.

Eat healthy.

What you eat and how much you eat has a major impact on your mood and energy. Therefore, avoid white bread, rice and sugar as much as possible. They consume a lot of energy and also affect your mood. What should you eat? Fruit, vegetables, brown rice and whole wheat bread. They stabilize your sugar level, give you energy and contain masses of minerals and nutrients.

Get some solar energy.

Not that you will be able to walk around in your bikini during a typical Belgian winter, but it is still important that you get some sun. So is it one of those freezing cold days, but the sun is shining? Then take your bike, go for a walk or settle down on a bench outside. Sunlight ensures that we get vitamin D, which gives you a good mood. Don’t feel like sitting outside in the cold? Then read a book at the window.

Drink as little alcohol as possible.

Did you know that alcohol actually makes you depressed? It may not seem like it during that hilarious evening with your friends, but alcohol has a negative influence on how you feel. One glass certainly won’t hurt, but don’t get drunk. That leaves you with a hangover the next day, fatigue and you feel miserable, to say the least.

Plan something fun.

Plan a trip to Paris, a shopping day with your friends or book a massage at the sauna. Something you can look forward to makes you feel good. Or register for a running event: it gives you an extra reason to exercise regularly.

Relax yourself.

Stress at work and your social life at a low level? Wrong combo. Do fun things, let yourself be persuaded to get out of your lazy chair and enjoy life. It doesn’t have to be a grand event. Having a coffee chat with one of your friends or getting lost in a good book also counts as relaxation.

Let yourself be helped.

Do you have a complete off-day? Or maybe even -week? Tell that to your friends too. After all, they are there for you and even though it sometimes seems like they are way too busy, when you really need them, they are there for you. So ask for help or talk about how you feel. They know better than anyone how to cheer you up. Is it deeper than a dip? Be sure to seek professional help.

Are you having trouble? Talk to Tele-Onthaal about what concerns you. Call 106 anonymously and free (24/7) or chat via www.tele-onthaal.be.

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2023-11-26 09:09:08
#simple #tips #combat #winter #blues

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