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7 Things That Happened If The Atmosphere Disappeared From Earth, Horrible

according to Space Place NASA, atmosphere is a layer above the ground surface that surrounds the Earth, such as a jacket has a function to maintain temperature stability, provide oxygen and the occurrence of weather phenomena. Earth’s atmosphere is composed of nitrogen, oxygen, argon, carbon dioxide and a little neon, helium, methane, krypton, hydrogen and up water.

The atmosphere also has several layers which of course have certain functions. These layers include the troposphere, stratosphere, mesosphere, thermosphere, ionosphere, and exosphere.

This complex series of layers is the most important part of living things on Earth. So, what would happen if the atmosphere disappeared from Earth? Check out the following review!

1. No sound

illustration of a vacuum (pixabay.com/isabellaquintana)

The sound of birds chirping in the morning, the sound of horns blaring at red lights, to the sound of balloons popping can be heard clearly because of the services of the atmosphere.

As we know, sound is a wave transmitted through a medium, one of which is the air media. If the atmosphere disappears from Earth, then we won’t hear anything. Just like in outer space, empty without an atmosphere then the Earth will be silent. No air, no sound!

2. The sky will turn black

7 Things That Happened If The Atmosphere Disappeared From Earth, Horribleblack sky illustration (pixabay.com/mitsuecligsx)

The beautiful blue sky color that we often see is the result of the presence of the atmosphere. Reported Space Place NASA, sunlight emitted towards Earth is white, then passes through the air particles in the atmosphere, and the rays are split into rainbow colors.

Then a blue light wave appears which has a shorter and smaller frequency, it will be scattered in all directions by small air molecules to all corners of the Earth. This is why we see the sky is blue. So what would happen if the atmosphere disappeared from the face of the earth? Yes, the sky will be dark black.

3. Earth’s temperature is extreme

7 Things That Happened If The Atmosphere Disappeared From Earth, Horriblehot earth illustration (pixabay.com/Tumisu)

The next thing that will happen when Earth’s atmosphere is lost is extreme temperatures. When the atmosphere suddenly disappears, the boiling point of water will drop, then all the water on Earth, both rivers, lakes and seas will boil.

After reaching the equilibrium point, the water vapor will prevent the water from boiling and the remaining water will turn into ice, the Earth’s temperature will drop drastically. The current atmosphere has a function as a regulator of the Earth’s temperature to keep it warm. Without an atmosphere, the temperature drops to -18°C and day and night temperature fluctuations would be extreme.

4. The sun’s ultraviolet radiation enters the Earth without a barrier

7 Things That Happened If The Atmosphere Disappeared From Earth, Horribleillustration of the sun (pixabay.com/LoganArt)

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Even though the temperature on the Earth’s surface is cold, solar radiation still enters without any obstructions.

The atmosphere currently functions as a barrier to solar radiation entering directly into the Earth’s surface. The ozone layer in the stratosphere has a function as an absorber of UV rays. These UV rays will cause skin diseases such as skin cancer and sunburn in humans.

Also Read: 7 Facts about Ozone, the Layer in the Atmosphere that Can Absorb Ultraviolet Rays

5. Meteor shower

7 Things That Happened If The Atmosphere Disappeared From Earth, Horriblemeteor shower illustration (pixabay.com/Buddy_Nath)

Reported National Geographic, When a meteoroid enters Earth’s atmosphere, it will rub against the air particles in the atmosphere. Over time, the meteoroid will burn out. Most meteors burn up in the mesosphere, which is at an altitude of 50-80 km above the Earth’s surface.

Every year, there is always a foreign object towards Earth. Thanks to the existence of the guardian of our Earth, these celestial bodies do not fall to the surface. It is conceivable that if Earth loses its atmosphere, all celestial bodies will fly fast towards the plains without any obstructions.

6. Loss of clouds, rain and water

7 Things That Happened If The Atmosphere Disappeared From Earth, Horriblearid desert illustration (pixabay.com/AlexAntropov86)

As we know, the atmosphere is where clouds and rain form, especially in the troposphere. The loss of the atmosphere means there will be no more clouds and rain. The existence of water on Earth is also threatened.

When the atmosphere is removed, the pressure will also disappear, resulting in the boiling point of water dropping and all the water on Earth boiling and then starting to become steam. The earth will be barren and only a small amount of water will remain in liquid form.

7. The destruction of life

7 Things That Happened If The Atmosphere Disappeared From Earth, Horribleillustration of the destruction of life (pixabay.com/ArtCoreStudios)

When the atmosphere disappears from the face of the Earth, living things are the most affected. Humans, animals and plants really need the atmosphere for their survival. Almost all organisms on Earth need oxygen.

The state of the human diaphragm which helps the breathing process, works because of the difference in air pressure inside and outside the body. When the atmosphere and air pressure outside the body is lost, it is certain that humans cannot survive on Earth which is a vacuum. Reported ThoughtCo, when the atmosphere is gone, the human eardrum will burst, saliva will boil and evaporate. Then, when the human breathes in, the lungs will burst, and when the human exhales will faint and then die after 3 minutes.

Perhaps some of the marine organisms that depend on dissolved oxygen can survive a little longer, but will eventually perish. Some microscopic organisms that don’t really need oxygen might survive.

So, from now on, try to take a deep breath and enjoy the beautiful blue air and sky that we can still see for free. Keep our atmosphere from being damaged!

Also read: Beautiful, 9 Most Rare Atmospheric Phenomena

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