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7 things about nipples you may not know (and should)

We are clear that the nipples are a (more or less) sensitive part of the body, a source of pleasure and the first contact with food for most human beings. Sometimes censored on social media and other victims of our own decisions, but how much do we know about them? Shall we set out to discover a little more?

Erection is not synonymous with excitement

The first part we already know, a little cold, the touch of the wind or the soft touch of a fabric, they are capable of turn our nipples into ’45 bullets without feeling any type of sexual arousal, but it must be taken into account that it can also happen the other way around, that we are aroused but our nipples are not erect, although it is very common that we notice a slight areolar swelling and an increase in the size of the breasts . Please don’t let any lover be offended.

Change color

This happens during pregnancy or if we take birth control pills, nipples tend to darken and the areola can also increase in size. Nor is it that they transform into a kind of rainbow snapchat, but they tend to go from pink and reddish to intense brown, and the difference is remarkable.


They are orgasmic

I admit that I have not had that luck, but some women get reach orgasm only by manipulating the nipples. No, they are not inventing it, researchers at Rutgers University discovered through the use of MRI, that stimulation of the nipples activated the same brain regions as sensations that come from the vagina, clitoris and cervix! it’s just a matter of (more) practice!

Inverted nipples are quite common

There are nipples that protrude, approximately 1 cm long, others shorter, or even flat, and inverted nipples, which are inside the areola, that is, the other way around. This is usually due to a congenital shortening of the ducts and fibrotic bands in the breast, and affects 10-20% of women.

Typesof nipplesTypesof nipples

They can be corrected with surgery, but beyond aesthetic preferences, they are normal nipples that do not pose any problem, even to guarantee long and successful lactations. Of course, if your nipple has always protruded and suddenly changes to inverted, you should immediately consult with your gynecologist, because it can be a symptom of a disease, including breast cancer.

Tattoos that restore confidence: tattooed nipples after breast cancer

Yes, the hairs are also normal

From light and imperceptible hair, to those eyelash-like hairs that you discover just as you are doing topless on the beach, going through a significant amount of hair, strong and dark, all the alternatives are something natural and ordinary.

Speaking clearly, we are not rare, nor less feminine for being hairier, although producing a greater number of androgens (male hormones) is related to more body hair in women.

They usually come out in the areola area and can be removed with tweezers, some patience and great care. No creams or blades in this delicate part, and if you don’t like them, you can always leave them on, removing them is not an obligation.


Lumps and fluids under control

In the areola there are small lumps (the size of a granite) called Montgomery glands, which are nothing more than ordinary sebaceous glands, which keep the nipple lubricated and protected, but if they become red or itchy, you have to go to the doctor to rule out any anomaly.

The same goes for fluids. Without being pregnant, or breastfeeding, birth control or strong pressure (like that of a mammogram), they can cause some fluid to come out of the nipples, this is not a problem, but if it happens for no reason, it occurs only in one breast or we get blood, we must quickly consult a specialist.

The new viral cosmetic surgery: operate your nipples like Kendall Jenner's

Surgery affects sensitivity

Whether it is due to breast enlargement, as well as reduction, one of the risks of breast surgery is lose nipple sensation, temporarily or permanently, especially if the edge of the areola is used as an access route for the operation. An important point to keep in mind before going under the knife.

And to finish, although it is not necessary to know it, a curiosity: the nipples are formed in the ninth week of fetal development, when we are still an embryo, two weeks before the genitalia begin to form. So though men’s nipples They are useless (at least not practical), there they stay with the rest of the pack, and can be just as sensitive as ours, since they contain an abundant amount of nervous tissue.

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