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7 Steps to Keep the Elderly in a New Normal Era

while Lampost.co

Jakarta (Lampost.co) – In the era of the Covid-19 pandemic and the new order (new normal), the elderly it is necessary to provide adequate understanding of these conditions in language that is easy to understand.

All age groups are at risk for covid-19 infection, but the elderly are at a higher risk of infection and death from it covid-19.

Dr. dr. Purwita Wijaya Laksmi, Sp.PD-KGer, a Geriatric Consultant Internal Medicine Specialist at Pondok Indah Hospital – Bintaro Jaya provides tips for the elderly to stay healthy in the pandemic era, such as the following:

1. Keep a distance

Do your best to keep at least one meter physical distance from other people. Avoid touching other people, including shaking hands, and stay away from sick people. Families and relatives who are sick with the flu are expected not to have contact with the elderly because they are afraid that they will transmit the virus they are carrying.

2. Maintain cleanliness and health

Apply behavior clean and healthy life diligently wash your hands with soap and water or hand sanitizer. Keep regularly taking medication as directed by your doctor and basking in the morning sun.

3. Maintain social contact

Stay away from crowds, gatherings, and social activities such as social gathering, reunions, recreation, shopping, and so on. Even though you cannot interact physically directly, maintain social contact with family and relatives through mobile communication tools.


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