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7 Safe Sex Tips to Avoid Syphilis and Other STDs | CNN Indonesia

CNN Indonesia

Monday, 15 May 2023 22:00 WIB

Illustration. Check out some tips for safe sex without contracting syphilis and other sexually transmitted diseases. (iStockphoto/Ivanko_Brnjakovic)

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia

Illness sexually transmitted is a scourge at the moment make love. Listen tips safe sex without contracting syphilis and other sexually transmitted diseases (STDs).

An intimate session alone with him can often trigger danger, including the transmission of STDs. Everyone is at risk of being exposed to STDs, especially those who are sexually active.

There are also many topics regarding syphilis, of course it makes some people worried. Is it safe to have sex so far? Actually you can simply apply the following safe sex tips.

1. Open communication with your partner

This conversation might feel awkward. But talking about expectations about sex is important from the start or before getting into bed.

You and your partner really need to be able to talk openly about the history of sexual relations, including a history of sexually transmitted diseases, a history of medical tests, then what kind of sex you want.

“This kind of chat should happen even before foreplay to make sure both parties have the same expectations,” says Courtney Pierce, Community Health Educator, Planned Parenthood in Florida, as quoted from Seventeen.

2. Use a condom

Using a condom is the easiest and cheapest way to have sex with minimal risk of STD transmission. The condom is placed on the penis so as to prevent the transfer of semen to the vaginal area.

In the market, you can find a wide variety of condoms including taste, aroma, size and texture.

3. No need for penetration

Outercourse can be a safe way to have sex without worrying about contracting syphilis and other STDs. Photo: iStockphoto

Does sex have to penetrate the penis into the vagina? Apparently not. There are so-called outercourse where sex does not involve penetration.

You and your partner can do more exploration of touch, masturbate together, kiss, hug or other experiments. As reported by MenXP, outercourse automatically reduces the risk of transmission because it prevents the exchange of body fluids.

4. Keep clean

Safe sex includes sex that applies sexual hygiene both before and after sex. To prevent the transmission of sexually transmitted diseases, it is highly recommended to wash your hands before and after having sex.

Washing hands with water and soap will kill germs including E.coli. This one bacteria easily spreads from dirty hands to the genitals.

5. Make love in a ‘conscious’ condition

Some people believe alcohol will make bed more passionate. It’s okay if you want to drink wine or beer before making love. However, not too much is recommended.

Making love under the influence of alcohol can actually make you skip using a condom or forget foreplay. In love, there is no ‘feeling’ because you are not fully aware and move in autopilot mode.

6. Mutual attention to the condition of the body

Some sexually transmitted diseases show symptoms that appear physically. Syphilis has symptoms in the form of a rash accompanied by sores without itching in the mouth or genital area.

gonorrhea or gonorrhea can trigger swelling in the lymph nodes (neck, groin, armpits). Then in men, there will be swelling of the testicles.

While genital warts or human papillomavirus will trigger warts around the genital area.

7. Rutin tes PMS

PMS does not always cause visible symptoms. If you are indeed sexually active, it is highly recommended to get routine PMS tests to make sure your body is clean of viruses or bacteria.

Those are tips for safe sex without worrying about contracting syphilis and other STDs.


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2023-05-15 15:00:00
#Tips #Safe #Sex #Infecting #Syphilis #STDs

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