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7 Renzians ready to come back to us. And the “managers” also deal with Iv

The attempt to recompose the picture to Senate in the majority he is almost desperate but at Palazzo Madama the House rules do not apply, there is not the same conflictual air that reigns in the government between Pd is Italia Viva. The leader of the Democratic Party, Marcucci and that of Italia viva, Pharaoh have signed a sort of non-belligerence pact. No market, no new majority, “let’s go ahead with a civil coexistence”.
Clear that there are other logics that will come into play, but Marcucci is the only one of the former Renzians to have a relationship with the senator of Rignano. We will try to water down the Conte bis award so unpopular with Italia Viva, will aim to introduce the stop of the prescription after the appeal sentence, removing as much as possible the threat of no-confidence motion to the Guardasigilli Bonafede. “Bonafede must be careful,” says a dem source at Palazzo Madama. Renziano Cucca and the leader of the Democratic Party in the Justice Commission, Mirabelli, worked on the amendments to the wiretapping decree and every time the fuse is lit the bomb squad intervenes. But the tension is there and also some Iv exponents suffer it, such as the former M5S Vono, the ex dem Parente and Marino and the ex forced worker Conzatti who, even without breaking with Renzi, are the most worried about the war in act. But beyond the Marcucci-Pharaoh mediation, the other players in this complicated game are on the pitch.

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The dems say that at least a dozen (out of 17) would follow Renzi in his attempt to break the pattern, the Renzians announce two arrivals next week. Parliamentary tactics or new shocks at Palazzo Madama? One of the so-called leaders reveals that Renzi in the last few days has called precisely those who are held up as possible supporters of Conte. «Come with us rather», the request. But the battle over numbers is bound to go on for a long time. Because precisely the “managers” at the moment are neither willing to replace the Renzians nor to go to the ranks of Iv. “For now – explains a member who is weaving the canvas in the Senate – we are not moving. However, we do not intend to do strange things. Maybe the proportional law arrives and at that point everything changes … ». Of course, there is the possibility for former blues to empty FI in the Senate, but the hypothesis that a group will form in Scilipoti is not currently on the agenda. The governors, moreover, point to some strategic absence in the Berlusconi ranks. They are working on the hips of those who feel most uncomfortable in Come on Italy in commissions or to gather some votes in plenary.

Without the Renzians, the majority would lack – this is the calculation of Pd, M5S and Leu – about eight votes. Each vote will be a thriller. On wiretapping dl there should be no problems for next week, but a frictional moment could occur on Thursday when the Prime Minister Conte will report on the extraordinary EU Council of 20 on the EU budget. For sure there will be dancing on every provision, with the ‘managers’ who actually aim at a single goal: to extend the legislature until 2023. They will get on the train that will go further, with the dems who are perplexed about the possibility of peace at Senate and rely on the Prime Minister’s maneuvers to change the majority. By betting on a Conte ter as well, in the event of a formal break with Iv.

Last updated: 00:19


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