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7 Ornamental Plants That Can Grow Without Soil, Still Beautiful!

Decorate the house with variety decorative plants be one way to beautify as well as give a fresh and beautiful taste. To decorate with a variety of plants, you don’t always have to use soil.

There are several types decorative plants which can still live and grow well even without soil media.

Plants like this will be very suitable to be a decoration in the house. Besides being more visually attractive, it also makes the atmosphere of the house fresher,

What are the ornamental plants that can be planted and grows without soil? Following Popmama.com has compiled the list.

Come on Ma, listen and try planting at home!

1. Bamboo hockey

Youtube.com/Barakah Plants

True to its name, bamboo hockey become one of the ornamental plants that can provide good luck and easy in terms of care.

If you want hockey bamboo to grow well, you can use planting media with a mixture of a little sand, peat and soil.

But if you don’t want to buy land at all, you can use growing media in the form of gravel mixed with water.

Easier and cheaper, right?

2. Aloe vera

2. Aloe vera

Pexels / Cecilia O

Decorative plants this one is already familiar to plant lovers. It turns out that aloe vera can also grow well without soil media, Ma.

So that Aloe vera can grow well, the way is simply to plant in a flower vase using gravel media and enough water.

It only needs to be watered once in a while. Quite minimal maintenance, right?

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3. Orchid flower

3. Orchid flower

Unsplash / matterod

Orchid flower become one of the ornamental plants that can beautify the house and can also grow without soil media, but with planting media made of broken bricks, tiles, and wood shavings.

The planting medium becomes a support for the roots of the orchid flower, so that it can grow well and remain beautiful.

Mama just has to choose the type of orchid color according to the family’s favorite at home.

4. Cactus

4. Cactus


It’s not a new thing that cacti are becoming decorative plants which is quite minimal maintenance, but still beautifies the appearance of the house.

This ornamental plant provides a variety of interesting shape choices. Not only that, cacti also do not need soil as a planting medium, but can grow well using sand media.

In addition, cacti also do not need to be watered often. Because plants that grow well in the desert can store water for a long time.

No wonder the cactus is a plant that is minimal in care.

5. Sri rezeki

5. Sri rezeki


Not just using land, tanaman sri rezeki can also grow well using water media, Ma.

The method is quite simple, that is to put sri rezeki into a flower vase with water planting media and it can grow well.

In addition, to add a beautiful impression to your home decor, you can use a clear vase so that tanaman sri rezeki planted can look more beautiful.

Which do you choose, to use the land or not?

6. Tillandsia

6. Tillandsia


Tillandsia or air plants become one of the ornamental plants that do not require soil as a growing medium. As the name implies, this plant grows with the help of air.

So it can be adapted to the needs at home, either placed in a vase as a decoration in the house or hung in the yard.

Although they only need air as a growing medium, air plants also need water and sunlight. Simply placed in an area that is not directly exposed to sunlight, this plant can grow well.

Well, if the appearance of this plant begins to look brown and curly, then it can be immediately watered or soaked in water so that its appearance can return to its original state.

7. Bromeliad

7. Bromeliad

Youtube.com/Donna Joshi

Bromeliads are included in tropical plant which can grow even with only a small amount of soil.

Bromeliads are also ornamental plants that can grow well in both shady and bright places.

Not only that, its easy care and colorful appearance of bromeliads make it one of the ornamental plants that are often used as gifts for loved ones.

Those are some plants that can be grown or grown without soil media. Hopefully it can be a reference for Mama who is looking for decorative plants yes!

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