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7 Natural Phenomena Will Happen at the End of 2021 : Okezone techno

JAKARTAAstronomical phenomena which often occurs throughout 2021 has its own uniqueness and beauty. According to the records of the National Institute of Aeronautics and Space (LAPAN), there are at least 7 astronomical phenomena that will occur at the end of 2021.

Anything? quoted from LAPAN’s Instagram upload, here is the list.

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1. Ursid Meteor Shower (December 23)

This meteor shower can be seen from 01.00 local time until the end of the sea or 25 minutes before sunrise.

The intensity of the Ursid meteor shower ranges from 0.9 to 2.8 meteors per hour for the territory of Indonesia.

2. Longest Synodic Day (26 December)

Synodic days vary between 23 hours 59 minutes 38 seconds on September 18 to 24 hours 00 minutes 30 seconds on December 26.

This is caused by the oval of the Earth’s orbit and the angle formed between the equator and the ecliptic, also known as declination.

3. Phases of the Late New Moon (December 27)

The peak of the final new moon phase occurred at 09.23 WIB/10.23 WITA/11.23 WIT.

4. Mars-Antares conjunction (27-28 December)

Mars will join Antares, the main star in the constellation Skorpius, on December 27 at 16:15 WIB with a minimum separation angle of 4.4 degrees.

5. Mercury-Venus Conjunction (December 29)

Mercury will be in conjunction with Venus on December 29 at 17:34 WIB with a separation angle of 4.2 degrees.

6. Occultation of Mars by the Moon (December 31)

This phenomenon will occur on the last day of 2021 at 18.23-21.23 (UT). And will only occur in parts of Australia (Western Territory, Southern Territory, Victoria, Capital Territory and Tasmania), Kep, Malvinas, Tierra del Fuego and Antarctica.

7. The Moon-Mars-Antares Conjunction (December 31-January 1)

This phenomenon can be witnessed for two consecutive days on December 31, 2021 and January 1, 2022 since 04.30 local time.

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