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7 Most Mysterious Archaeological Discoveries, One of them is in Indonesia

JAKARTA – Discovery archeology not always in the form of ancient treasures found in the tombs of ancient kings. Antiquities to fossils that are thousands of years old are also considered ‘treasures’ for archaeologists.

But not only these archaeological discoveries can be solved easily by researchers. There are a number of archaeological discoveries that remain a mystery to this day.

Some of these archaeological discoveries amazed the world but made scientists have to think hard to solve the mystery of these ancient objects. Here are 7 of the most mysterious archaeological discoveries on Earth quoted from Live Science:

1. Makam Qin Shi Huang

In 1974, farmers in China’s Shaanxi province accidentally stumbled upon one of the greatest archaeological finds of the 20th century, namely the life-size Terracotta army guarding the tomb of Emperor Qin Shi Huang (259 BC – 210 BC).

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Historians know that these clay soldiers were created to guard China’s first emperor in the afterlife. What is unknown, however, is where exactly the emperor is buried or what treasures may be in his burial chamber.

A pyramid-shaped tomb is located about a mile to the northeast where the terracotta army was found. However, no one actually entered the tomb that housed Qin Shi Huang’s remains.

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