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7 misconceptions about notaries

We are notaries from generation to generation

Faux : You are not born a notary, you become one by following specialized studies and obtaining your diploma at the end of a seven-year post-baccalaureate course.

I have to use a notary for an inheritance

TRUE : in the vast majority of situations. This is particularly the case when the inheritance includes real estate. This legal professional also holds a monopoly on certain acts: he alone is authorized to draw up a marriage contract, a mortgage or even the sale, gift or sharing of real estate.

The money paid to the notary goes directly into your pocket

Faux : only a fraction goes to him. The majority is made up of taxes that it is responsible for collecting on behalf of the State and communities (municipality, region, etc.). This is the case of the famous “notary fees” to be paid in the event of a real estate purchase. In the former, of the 7 to 8% of the sale price, around 1% is intended for the notary, the balance going to the tax and community coffers.

Also discover:Inheritance taxes: life insurance or PER?

The majority of notaries are men

Faux : as of December 31, 2022, there were 9,768 women and 7,547 men notaries, or 56.4% of the workforce compared to 14.5% in 2000. On the other hand, they still remain under-represented at the head of offices.

My Lille notary can intervene if I carry out an operation in Nice

Vari : the competence of notaries is national. Yours can operate anywhere in France. So nothing obliges you to change it if you move.

Any visit to the notary is billed freely

Faux : the notary carries out a public service mission. Of course, it is better to ask the question before the meeting, but, traditionally, simply taking advice during a first interview is free. Furthermore, the notary, a public officer appointed by the Minister of Justice, charges regulated rates, set by decree, particularly for acts over which he has a monopoly (real estate, family law, etc.). On the other hand, he may receive free fees for consulting services. Then ask for a quote.

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Notaries are connected to new technologies

TRUE : notarial offices are ultra-connected: dematerialization of documents, electronic signature of deeds, videoconferences… Today, certain deeds can be signed completely remotely. But, for the most important ones, further study remains strongly recommended.

2023-11-18 12:23:14
#misconceptions #notaries

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