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7 Herbal Drinks Natural Sore Throat Medicine

KOMPAS.com – The practical way to deal with a sore throat naturally is by drinking a number of herbal drinks or warm wedang.

As known, causes of sore throat usually comes from a bacterial or viral infection such as the flu to Covid-19.

Infection with germs or allergens can cause the tissue in the throat to become inflamed, swollen, and painful.

Warm drinks or herbal teas can generally help soothe an inflamed throat. Here are some of them.

Also read: 10 Ways to Overcome Itchy Throat and Cough

Reported from Women’s Healththere are some herbal drink recommendations for natural sore throat remedynamely:

The antioxidant content in green tea has an anti-inflammatory effect, so that swelling in the throat tissue can be reduced.

You can drink infusion of green tea when you feel sore and itchy throat. To make it more nutritious, try adding lemon juice and honey.

Black tea contains tannin compounds that can help reduce inflammation and relieve sore throats.

You can not only reap the benefits of green tea by drinking its brew, but you can also use brewed green tea to gargle sore throat reduce.

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The menthol compound in peppermint has anti-inflammatory properties. However, avoid consuming this mint tea in excess because it can cause a dry and sore throat.

Consume steeped peppermint tea once a day as a variation of other sore throat relief drinks.

Chamomile brew, which usually helps the mind relax and overcomes insomnia at night, can also be used as a sore throat herbal remedy experience.

The content of antioxidants, especially flavonoids and terpenoids, can help the body fight infections that cause sore throats.

Wedang ginger can be used as a natural sore throat remedy because it has anti-inflammatory compounds.

To reduce the spicy taste and increase the benefits of ginger wedang, you can add honey and cinnamon to the ginger wedang brew.

Also read: 7 Natural Sore Throat Remedies

Lemon juice added to a cup of warm water is also great for treating sore throats, colds, and coughs.

Lemons contain lots of vitamin C which is good for boosting the immune system. The stronger the immune system, the faster the body recovers from infections that cause sore throats.

In addition to wedang ginger, wedang turmeric is also good for consumption when a sore throat recurs.

Turmeric contains natural antiviral, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory compounds that can help soothe an inflamed throat.

If you don’t like the taste, add some honey and a little ginger for extra flavour.

Keep in mind, the herbal drink for the natural sore throat medicine above is not a substitute for doctor’s medicine.

If you feel a sore throat that doesn’t get better after consuming the sore throat reliever drink above, don’t hesitate to consult a doctor.

Also read: 5 Practical Sore Throat Reliever Drinks

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