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7 famous movies and TV series that are forbidden to watch in Ukraine

This list includes mostly Russian films that are not allowed to be shown in Ukraine. The ban on such films is justified because certain people who pose a threat to national security have taken part in the filming.

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Movies that are forbidden to watch in Ukraine

In many cases, the ban is related to the political situation or specific actions of individuals that could have a negative impact on the security of the country. This happened with films that were banned for viewing in Ukraine. One of the reasons for the ban is also the large amount of hostile propaganda that the Russians have been spreading in society for years.

THEN list of banned films and TV series in Ukraine included the following films:

  • “Looking for Mom” (Russia, 2012): This film, about relationships and the search for a biological mother, is banned in Ukraine due to the involvement of people who pose a threat to national security.
  • “Don’t cry for me Argentina!” (Russia, 2012-2013): A series about difficult but funny life situations, which was also banned for political and security reasons.
  • “Don’t Be Born Beautiful” (Russia, 2005-2006): A popular series that was banned in Ukraine due to the involvement of individuals with political connections and views that could endanger national security.
  • “Odnoklassniki” (Russia, 2007): This comedy film about school friends was banned in Ukraine for similar reasons.
  • “Bon voyage!” (Russia, 2008): A film about travel and adventure was included in the list of prohibited actors due to the participation of actors who pose a threat to the national security of Ukraine.
  • “Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves” (Ukraine, 2005): Although this film was produced in Ukraine, it was also banned due to the involvement of individuals with connections that could endanger national security.
  • “Officers Herring” (Ukraine, 2015): This series about military personnel and their families was banned in Ukraine, due to the political context and the involvement of individuals who pose a threat to national security.

These movies and TV series were banned to protect national security and state interests. The ban is related to the participation in them of people who may have a negative influence or participate in activities that are against the interests of Ukraine.

Choose to watch high-quality Ukrainian and international films that are worth the attention of sensitive citizens.

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