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7 Facts to Know About Work-Study: From Apprenticeship Records to Hiring Advantages

As the return of schoolchildren approaches, those of work-study students too! A real effective springboard to employment, this curriculum format allowing you to follow theoretical courses while working in a company is sometimes still unknown. As an employer, discover 7 facts to know about work-study.

The number of apprentices broke a new record in 2022

Learning is becoming more and more attractive. Indeed, according to figures from the Ministry of Labour, Full Employment and Integration, 837,000 new apprenticeship contracts were signed during 2022 in the public and private sectors, an increase of 14% compared to the previous year. If work-study students see a real interest in it, so do VSEs/SMEs. Work-study training is an excellent way for them to support the growth of their business at a lower cost.

Work-study is not just for young people

Contrary to popular belief, work-study is not just for young people. It mainly concerns people between 16 and 25 years old, but is also aimed at older people, such as job seekers over 45 years old. Also, in some situations, there is no age limit. This is the case, for example, of future business creators or buyers, people with disabilities or high-level athletes.

The role of the tutor is very important in the context of a work-study program

Within the framework of a work-study programme, there is a tendency to minimize the role of the tutor, or master of learning. However, the mission of the latter is essential. He must welcome, help, inform and guide the work-study student in the performance of their duties, and have enough time to do so. Thus, it is essential that the tutor be willing, motivated and qualified to be able to transmit his knowledge and skills. Jérôme L., Maintenance Technician at RTE, explains that this role is also beneficial to him: “Tutoring allows me to enhance my know-how, develop my teaching skills and diversify my activity. The management function is also an opportunity to forge new relationships at work. I learn a lot from contact with my apprentice who asks me about aspects of my job that I never wondered about until then”.

Work-study trainees and employees benefit from the same advantages

In work-study, an apprentice is considered as an employee. He benefits from the same rights (paid leave, RTT, social security, complementary health, transport costs, unemployment benefits, retirement, etc.). Similarly, like the employee, he signs a contract with the company (professionalization or apprenticeship contract).

It is not compulsory to recruit the young person on a work-study basis

It should be remembered: the company is under no obligation to recruit the employee on a work-study contract at the end of his contract. However, many companies make this choice insofar as they have had time to test the skills of the work-study worker throughout the period and that the latter is directly operational upon hiring.

Aid is granted to companies that hire apprentices

According to the website of Service Public, exceptional aid of up to €6,000 is granted to employers who recruit work-study students (apprentices and young people on professional training contracts) between 1is January and December 31, 2023. This can be combined with specific aid for apprentices with disabilities.

Administrative formalities are simplified

Finally, in order to encourage the hiring of work-study candidates, the government has simplified the administrative procedures for the HR departments of companies. A government site exists to download and register the documents necessary for the establishment of the contract. Then just send it to the skills operator (OPCO) you report to.

(Photo credit: iStock)

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2023-08-05 06:35:23
#Company #facts #workstudy

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