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7 Facts about the Planet Mars in the Solar System

Who does not know the planet Mars? Maybe, your little one knows the planet Mars from the books he reads or other media.

There are 8 planets in the solar system, but only Earth is habitable for humans.

Earth and Mars have an average distance of only 225 million km. This makes the fourth planet from the sun often appear at certain times, so we can see it directly at night.

Despite having the second smallest size after Mercury, it is not difficult to see Mars. Because, it looks like a bright red star when viewed from Earth. Therefore, Mars is often referred to as the Red Planet.

The surface area of ​​Mars is almost the same as Earth, which is 55,742,1065 square miles. Phobos and Deimos are two satellites that orbit Mars.

Meanwhile, the temperature on the Red Planet is 63 degrees Celsius and quite cold. Mars has a lower temperature than Earth, which is about 77 degrees celsius and the atmosphere on Mars is 61 times thinner than Earth with a higher carbon dioxide content than Earth has.

Come on, find out more about Mars facts that your little one needs to know, Ma.

No need to worry because Popmama.com has summarized 7 facts about Mars that your little one needs to know to increase their knowledge. Listen, yes!

1. Mars is nicknamed the Red Planet


The cause of Planet Mars dubbed the Red Planet is not just astronomers call it that, Ma.

However, Mars has a surface filled with dust and particles of rust or oxide in the rocks. In addition, the Martian sky often looks pink or bright orange due to dust from the coral particles on its surface blown into the atmosphere.

Because of these two things, Mars was finally dubbed the Red Planet because it looks red or reddish, especially when it appears in Earth’s sky.

2. There is wind and water on Planet Mars

2. There is a water wind of Planet Mars


Not only on Earth, Mars also has wind and water.

Even though it has a dry climate, Mars has poles, frozen ice sheets, and water vapor in its air. It has been proven in 2018 that scientists have found a lake under the ice sheet at the south pole of Planet Mars.

In addition, winds on the Red Planet can blow up to 60 miles per hour to trigger a large dust storm.

These dust storms can occur when Mars is near the sun because wind speeds can reach 125 miles per hour when the storm occurs. The storm will stop when Mars moves away from the sun after a few months, Ma.

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3. Mars has the highest mountain in the solar system

3. Mars has the highest mountain in the solar system


Besides wind and water, Mars also has mountains, Ma.

The mountain on the Red Planet is named Olympus Mons and is the highest mountain in the solar system because it has a height of about 21 km and a diameter of 600 km above the surface of Mars.

Olympus Mons is three times higher than Mount Everst, Ma, and is an active volcano.

4. Martian land can make humans jump 3 times higher

4. Martian land can make humans jump 3 times higher


Although the landmass of Mars and Earth are very similar, Mars has about 15% of the volume and 10% of Earth’s mass. This is because Mars is not covered by water, while 70% of Earth is covered by water.

Not only that, the gravity on the Red Planet is only 38% of the gravity on Earth which reaches 62%. That is, humans can walk, even jump three times higher than on Earth, Ma.

5. Pieces of Mars found on Earth

5. Pieces of Mars found by Earth


Millions of years ago, there were several asteroids that fell on the surface of Mars causing a very large explosion.

It was from the explosion that some pieces of “Mars” were found on Earth as meteorites. In addition, traces of the Martian atmosphere were also found in meteorites from the explosion.

6. One year on Mars equals two years on Earth

6. One year of Mars equals two years of Earth

Youtube/NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory

If one year on Earth has 365 days, it would be different if humans were on Mars.

In one orbit of the Sun, Mars takes 687 days or the same as two Earth years. This is because the orbit of Mars is more oval than Earth’s orbit, so it takes a longer time.

You also need to know, a day on Earth lasts 24 hours, but on Mars one day lasts 24 hours 39 minutes 35 seconds.

7. Mars is expected to have rings

7. Mars is expected to have rings

Youtube/GeoBeats Science

Scientists from Purdue University in West Lafayette, Indiana, United States, predict that Mars will have rings in the future.

This is because the Mars satellite, Fobos, will later move away from Mars and then be destroyed. This destruction will form a ring formation around Mars.

According to a study published in Nature Geoscience, this ring of the Red Planet from Fobos will occur in the next 20-40 million years.

So, those are 7 facts about Mars that children need to know. Don’t forget to tell your little one. Lately, Mars has been the target of research from several countries because it is considered habitable by humans, Ma.

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