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7 Factions Meet Anies Baswedan Minus PDIP and PSI, Gembong: Coalition Troubled

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta – The chairman of the PDIP faction of the DKI DPRD, Gembong Warsono, said that he had not received an invitation from Jakarta Anies Baswedan in the Governor’s meeting with the faction leaders on Thursday night, August 26, 2021.


Meski begitu, Gembong tak ambil pusing soal pertemuan Anies dengan seluruh pimpinan fraksi di Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Daerah (DPRD) DKI, minus Fraksi PDIP dan PSI, itu.

Gembong mengapresiasi upaya Anies bersilaturahmi dengan para pimpinan fraksi. Namun, ia mempertanyakan mengapa pertemuan itu bertepatan dengan Fraksi PDIP dan PSI yang mengajukan hak interpelasi soal ajang Formula E.


"Selama 4 tahun, setahu saya, kok baru sekali itu dilakukan silaturahmi? Dan di saat dua fraksi yang tidak diundang itu sedang mengajukan hak interpelasi," kata Gembong saat Tempo hubungi lewat sambungan telepon pada Jumat, 27 Agustus 2021.

Gembong called the parties that met last night a confused coalition. If there is no other purpose other than gathering, he said, the meeting will be held in advance, not when there is a request for an interpellation right. “In addition, the two factions that proposed the interpellation were not invited. So I said yes, the coalition is confused,” he said.

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