Rindi Salsabilla, CNBC Indonesia
Tuesday, 02/01/2024 11:50 WIB
Photo: Illustration of a human kidney. (Doc. Pixabay)
Jakarta, CNBC Indonesia – Kidney failure is one type of disease that is in the spotlight of Indonesian society throughout 2022 and 2023.
As of the latest data, namely September 26 2023, the Ministry of Health (Kemenkes RI) recorded a total number of cases of atypical progressive acute kidney failure (GGAPA) in children reaching 326 people.
It is known that the peak of GGAPA cases occurred in August to October 2022. Meanwhile, the total number of victims who died due to kidney failure cases was 204 people.
Most recently, the former Governor of Papua, Lukas Enembe, died on Tuesday (26/12/2023) and died due to kidney failure.
This series of cases shows that kidney failure or chronic kidney problems is not a disease that can be taken lightly. Because this condition can trigger many complications which increase the risk of death for the sufferer.
So, what types of dangerous complications can arise due to chronic kidney problems? The following is a summary, according to Healthline.
1. Anemia
Undergoing dialysis or dialysis procedures can increase the risk of anemia. This condition can occur when the kidneys do not produce enough erythropoietin (EPO). As a result, this condition can affect the ability to produce red blood cells.
2. Weakened bones
Chronic kidney problems can cause low calcium levels and high phosphorus levels. This condition can make bones weaker and increase the risk of fractures.
3. Uric Acid
Gout is arthritis that can affect anyone. This disease, which is also known as hyperuricemia, is characterized by increased uric acid levels in the body so that they exceed normal limits.
4. Heart Disease
Kidneys that are not functioning properly are unable to filter waste or toxins from the blood effectively and optimally. This causes an increase in fluid in the blood which can cause high blood pressure and heart damage.
5. Hyperkalemia
Kidneys that cannot filter excess potassium can cause a buildup of potassium in the blood. This condition can trigger hyperkalemia or a sudden increase in potassium levels which can affect heart function.
6. Metabolic Acidosis
Too much acid in body fluids that cannot be filtered by the kidneys can disrupt the pH balance of the blood. This can worsen kidney disease and cause other problems, such as bone or muscle loss and endocrine disorders.
7. Uremia
Uremia is the buildup of waste products or toxins in the blood. This is an indicator of severe kidney damage and often occurs in end-stage kidney failure.
According to Healthline, a number of symptoms that can arise due to uremia are fatigue, nausea, restless legs and sleep disorders.
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#Dangerous #Complications #Chronic #Kidney #Disease