Do you often have to pay large amounts for bills? You are not alone: here are the 7 most common mistakes that drive up the price
Is your utility bill higher than it should be? Do you ever have to pay exorbitant bills for electricity? You are not the only one, as reported by data in America, where more than a quarter of Americans buy fewer essential goods to pay their electric bills. This is a problem that goes way beyond America, and we see it on our own bills. But it’s not just a matter beyond our control: there are several wrong habits that lead to the price increase. Here you are 7 common mistakes that make our bill much more expensive.
The first of these is forget to clean the filters of heating, ventilation and air conditioning. In fact, when the filters of the system are in bad shape, the system has to work much harder, taking longer to reach the desired temperature. This will cause a significant increase in your bill. To save money, clean the filters every two weeks.
Speaking of air conditioning, it is important to know how to configure it correctly. It is important to turn it off or, at least, lower the temperature when leaving the house for a long time. Even five degrees makes a huge difference when it comes to utility bills. Having an adjustable thermostat is a great idea for regulating temperatures when you sleep, saving money in the process.
Another underrated tool is the water heater, which continues to heat the water even when not in use. One solution may be to invest in a non-storage water heaterwhich will cost a lot upfront but could save you money in the long run.
7 errors in the bill: other solutions
Another aspect to consider is the house itself. Since they are all different, optimizing spaces is not always obvious. You can request the energy diagnosis of the apartment, which will lead professionals to determine exactly what causes the most energy consumption and how to solve the situation efficiently.
Make sure all appliances work at their best –
Even without the diagnosis, it’s important to double check all electrical tools in the house and make sure they are being used as efficiently as possible. We’re talking dishwashers, washing machines and so on – all the more modern ones have anti-consumption options like eco mode and the like. Very important to make sure everything is adjusted correctly.
Less obvious, however, is realize the spaces through which the air passes. These will make it harder for air conditioners, stoves, and other similar devices to work, and can add to your bill up to 20% more. It is important to fix these gaps and holes as soon as possible.
Finally, the classic and perhaps obvious fallacy of laziness: it matters turn off all lights and unplug when not in use. It can be tiring at times, but it helps in a lot to reduce consumption, ensuring a less devastating bill next month.
2023-08-21 17:31:06
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