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7 common foods that are good for blood circulation

Ginger, tangerine, mackerel, anchovy, etc. contribute to blood and blood vessel health

The hesperidin ingredient in the white inner peel of tangerine reduces cholesterol and strengthens capillaries. [사진=클립아트코리아]

Healthy food is also ‘natural’ as it is highly efficient and safe. If you eat a good variety of fruits, vegetables, and fish, you don’t need expensive factory-made supplements. In particular, there are many foods that are good for preventing scary blood vessel diseases (stroke, heart disease) around us. Let’s learn about foods that lower cholesterol and improve blood circulation.

◆ Ginger

The spicy ingredients in ginger, such as gingerol and shogaol, prevent cholesterol levels from rising in the blood and lower the viscosity of the blood. It helps blood circulation by softening blood vessels and contributes to the prevention of arteriosclerosis. When arteriosclerosis, which narrows blood vessels, worsens, it develops into stroke (cerebral infarction – cerebral hemorrhage) and heart disease (angina pectoris – myocardial infarction), in which blood vessels are blocked. Gingerol ingredient promotes bile secretion and helps reduce cholesterol.

◆ Citrus

The hesperidin component in the white inner skin lowers the cholesterol content and strengthens the capillaries, helping to prevent arteriosclerosis and stroke. Citric acid, which has a sour taste, acts to purify the blood. It reduces oxidation (damage-aging) of organs in the body through its antioxidant effect. Abundant vitamin C contributes to the prevention of respiratory diseases by increasing immunity and is good for recovering from fatigue.

◆ persimmon

It has a lot of dietary fiber and potassium, so it plays a role in adsorbing harmful neutral fat and cholesterol and discharging them out of the body. It helps prevent and control high blood pressure by lowering blood pressure and helps prevent stroke and heart disease. The cryptoxanthin component of sweet persimmon reduces oxidation (damage) in the body and prevents cancer cells from sprouting. Tannins help lower blood pressure, but if you consume too much, they can absorb water from your body and cause constipation.

◆ Citron

Hesperidin ingredient lowers cholesterol and helps blood circulation. It also plays a role in protecting capillaries throughout the body. It is good for regulating blood pressure and cleaning blood vessels, helping to prevent stroke. The naringin component contained in the citron’s skin is non-toxic and has a cholesterol-lowering effect. The limonene component contributes to reducing inflammation in the throat and has the effect of relieving cough. It is high in vitamin C and citric acid, which contributes to the prevention and relief of colds.

◆ Zucchini

It is the most friendly kind of pumpkin. Generally speaking, zucchini refers to zucchini. It can be enjoyed all year round by house cultivation. It has the effect of lowering cholesterol levels and blood pressure, and has many vitamins A, C, and E. As it is rich in potassium, it helps discharge salty substances (sodium) from the body and contributes to relieving swelling in the body. It is mainly used in seasonings, stir-fries, and stews. It is important not to make it salty when cooking.

◆ mackerel

Unlike saturated fatty acids, which are abundant in meat fat, it is rich in unsaturated fatty acids, which are good for blood and blood vessel health. This is because of its ability to reduce cholesterol in the body. It inhibits the accumulation of visceral fat and helps control blood sugar. Among the omega-3, EPA and DHA also play a role in helping brain activity. It suppresses inflammation of the eye and keeps the eyeball moist, which is also effective for dry eye syndrome. When cooking mackerel, it is good for blood and blood vessels if it is not salty.

◆ anchovy

It is high in taurine, which helps control cholesterol in the body. DHA, an unsaturated fatty acid, is an important component of the central nervous system and has an effect on maintaining and improving memory. Anchovies are a representative food with a lot of calcium because you can eat both flesh and bones. It is a very good food for bone and teeth health. Making boiled anchovies that are not too salty helps prevent and control menopausal osteopenia and osteoporosis.

Mackerel is rich in unsaturated fatty acids, which are good for blood and blood vessel health. This is because of its ability to reduce cholesterol in the body. It inhibits the accumulation of visceral fat and helps control blood sugar. Zucchini also has the effect of lowering cholesterol levels and blood pressure, and is rich in potassium, which helps to release salty substances (sodium) from the body and contributes to relieving swelling. [사진=게티이미지뱅크]

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