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7 books that will teach you what you need to know to undertake | PHOTOGALLERIES

PHOTO GALLERY. Most people have some insecurity or fear when they decide to embark on a new adventure, such as starting a new business. So, first of all, I want you to know that it is very normal to feel this way, depending on Mega.

If you have decided to start your own business, you have come to the right place.

In this article we bring you a list of seven of the best books that will teach you what you need to know about entrepreneurship in 2021.


The 7 books you need to undertake in 2021

1. How to Start Your Own Business: A 7-Step System to Successfully Start Your Own Business in 30 Days, by Walter Grant

Hate your monotonous job? Do you feel like you find yourself staring desperately at the clock every day, counting down the minutes so that you can finally go home?

Do you have a business idea that you would love to realize, but don’t know anything about owning a business, let alone starting one?

Are you looking for a new adventure, a new phase of your life, where you become your own boss and make decisions according to your own vision?

With how repetitive work life can be, it’s hard not to fantasize about what life would be like if you didn’t have to get up at 6 a.m. every morning, drive to work, and be someone’s puppet for an entire day.

What if they told you that this dream does not have to be the product of your imagination, but a reality? Your reality!

No matter how many companies emerge around the world, there will always be room for new ones to emerge. In this ever-evolving modern world, new ideas are always welcome.

2. Overcome your Fears: Self-improvement book to be an entrepreneur, by Claudio de Castro

Are you paralyzed by fear and anxiety? We are so afraid of failure, of not being able to reach the goal, of what others say about us.

How to conquer your fears is a book to wake up to life. Life is so short that we deserve to live it fully, without fear, enjoying every moment.

This is a book to always have on hand. Above all, in those difficult moments of anxiety and difficulty and fear.

It is a self-help book, to get away from negativity, with abundant meditations and reflections, written in the midst of the tribulation. It teaches you to get out of suffering and to recover your life and give it meaning.

They are small steps that lead you to the life you always wanted and deserve to have. It is the small steps and decisions that transform our lives.

Can a simple strategy change the course of your life? Would you like to have a meaningful life?

Then you must read this beautiful book. We recommend it. It is a Catholic Best Seller that will change you forever. A book that changes lives.

This book shows simple steps that radically transform your life. It is time to recover our life and hopes. Deciding for him: “I can.”

It will give you the tools you need to get out of that dark cave in which you have lost yourself. You will see the Light in the distance and you will be able to follow it to get out of there. And go back and start.

3. Success belongs to you, learn how to get everything you want, by Gamaliel Prince

What would you think if I told you that achieving success is easier and more possible than your mind can imagine?

All successful people use the same pattern of action, imagine everything you could achieve with that knowledge, nothing would be out of your reach, there would be nothing to limit you.

It doesn’t matter where you come from, how many times you’ve tried it, or what kind of success you want to achieve; When you already have a proven mechanism of action, you only need to adjust where you want to aim, to start heading directly to the goal you want.

In this book, all the information you need to start fulfilling your dreams has been detailed in detail.When you finish reading the book, you can:

  • Program your mind with the same strategic approach that successful people use to make their goals possible.
  • Build an indestructible confidence that allows you to face any type of situation.
  • Apply the 15 pillars of success necessary to have the life you dream of.
  • Develop an analytical-cognitive management, which facilitates the increase of the opportunity curve and its favorable results.
  • Use intrinsic strategies to destroy the paradigms that stop your growth.

In the world there are only two kinds of people, the first ones are satisfied with what the world gives them, and the others who have what they want. What kind of people do you want to belong to?

4. The Entrepreneur’s Black Book: Don’t Say They Never Warned You, by Fernando Trias de Bes

Being an entrepreneur is a vital position, a way of facing the world that implies enjoying the uncertainty and insecurity of what will happen tomorrow.

There are no brilliant ideas that, by themselves, lead to round deals: the essential thing is how a concept is put into practice.

However, 90% of initiatives fail within four years and only 3% of company manuals are dedicated to explaining why. Hence the relevance of this book.

Fernando Trías de Bes, co-author of Good luck, analyzes the key factors of failure and defines the traits that a true entrepreneur must have: motivation and talent to see something special in an idea that others may already know.

But, above all, it is necessary to have a fighting spirit: ideas do not fail, but illusions are the ones that are defeated due to lack of waist, imagination and flexibility to face unforeseen events.

5. Sell the mind, not the people, by Jürgen Klaric

It is the last book by Jürgen Klarić focused on the sales of products and services.

The method and techniques presented here came out of various studies carried out in scientific laboratories. Likewise, they were endorsed by anthropological and neuroscientific research.

The author proves in this book that the sales processes we are used to are extremely exhausting and ineffective, because we do not know how the mind works, although we do pay attention to people.

The sales of this book have been a record in the first months after its launch, becoming the commercial and sales model of companies such as General Motors, Telefónica Movistar, Claro, SAB-Miller and Ikea. Sell ​​more and talk less.

6. I dared to undertake: How I did to leave my job and undertake, by Ivette Oranges

Do you want to be your own boss and enjoy Financial Freedom? Do you want to manage your schedule? Do you want to earn the salary you want?

In this book I tell you how I developed my professional life working for others and how little by little I woke up and realized that you can have everything you want if you look outside and realize all the opportunities that exist on the other side of the door of the company you work for.

I was trapped between the walls that represent a Job where you have to be governed by – the work schedule defined by the company, – the salary you earn defined by the company and – the work you do defined by the company.

This book tries to motivate you to look outside and face other opportunities where you will be the guide to find your financial freedom and be able to enjoy things that you have missed because of being locked up.

Dare and you can obtain rewarding benefits: Enjoy family time, watch your children grow and be part of their development. Leave a legacy. Do not hesitate and dare!

7. Mission to undertake. The 70 Habits of Successful Entrepreneurs, by Sergio Fernandez and Raimon Samso

Sergio Fernández and Raimon Samsó bring together in this book the 70 habits that will make us successful entrepreneurs and show that this depends more on attitude, mentality and, above all, habits, than on the knowledge acquired in any university.

A book for the heroes of the 21st century: entrepreneurs.

The labor market is experiencing a true revolution. Stable jobs are disappearing and this forces us to reinvent ourselves and adapt. In this context, more and more people choose to undertake.

However, they often do so without the necessary attitude, knowledge, and commitment. The result is well known: around 85% of entrepreneurial projects fail before the age of five, something that could be avoided with proper preparation.

Entrepreneurship is not a goal in itself, a way to earn money or a job opportunity; Undertaking is a mission that gives meaning to life, a way of offering our value to other human beings and a profound personal transformation: your project will not grow more than you grow as a person.

Successful entrepreneurs are the humanity of the future. Self-made people, in constant formation, motivated, demanding of themselves, passionate, educated and educated, tolerant, capable of leading, helpful and collaborative, who love what they do and who are spiritually nurtured.

This book will allow us to become successful entrepreneurs automatically, simply by incorporating the 70 essential habits to take our lives to the next level both personally and professionally.

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