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7 benefits of eating an apple a day

The apple can contribute a lot for the prevention of cancer and stomach diseases

The Apple It is a fruit with a very good flavor, but with interesting properties for which its consumption is recommended by specialists. The following are 7 benefits of eating 1 apple a day will confirm all the properties that contribute to your body.

1. Intestinal stability

According Knowi, eating 1 apple a day generates intestinal stability in the body because of its fiber content, and preventing the onset of diseases such as diverticulitis and also hemorrhoids.

2. Antidiarrheal and laxative effect

Although it seems contradictory, 1 apple a day generates antidiarrheal and laxative effects. On the one hand, the apple serves as a soft laxative, but it is also capable of attacking gastroenteritis and colitis.

3. Cholesterol reduction

The Apple It is rich in pectin, so it affects very well the regulation of bad cholesterol in the blood. Eliminates metals such as mercury, lead, and also releases sugar.

4. Prevention of kidney stones

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The Apple vinager It has a positive effect on the kidneys because it prevents the formation of kidney stones. There are ways to make homemade apple cider vinegar that can be very useful for you.

5. Improves sleep quality

The apple is a food with interesting sedative properties as a result of its high phosphorus content. If you are a person with trouble sleeping, eating 1 apple a day may be the solution you were looking for.

6. Appetite regulation

1 apple a day contributes to the regulation of appetite and calorie intake. An apple provides between 50 and 80 calories, so it is a food with a low caloric intake.

7. Anti-cancer properties

Finally, the apple is a fruit indicated for the cancer prevention because it contains catechins and quercetins. In addition, they directly attack free radicals.

In conclusion, eating 1 apple a day has a very valuable meaning for our Health, so increasing the presence of this fruit in your diet is an option you can consider.

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