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7 Bad Behaviors You Should Avoid When Being Treated

In everyday life, you certainly have some circle different associations. In every circle In addition, there are various habits that become a kind of unwritten rule, but are considered as mutually agreed routines.

One of the habits that you may already be familiar with is treating each other at certain moments. For example, when one of the community members celebrates something like a birthday or other achievements.

As a person being treated, you are actually not only expected to just come and eat. There are things that you should not do when being treated to other people, such as the following seven things.

1. Suddenly canceled

illustration of a person calling (pexels.com/Mentatdgt)

Unless there is something very urgent, you should not cancel your attendance suddenly. Even though from the side of those who were invited it might be considered that canceling one person would not really affect the event as a whole. However, from the side that treats, this can have a negative effect.

You may be seen as underappreciating. Imagine how disappointed it was when the event was about to start and you called to cancel your attendance. Not to mention if he has made payments for food orders for a number of people who are treated. It would inevitably lead to redundancies that upset the treating comrades.

2. Invite others to come with you

7 Bad Behaviors You Should Avoid When Treated, Don't Drag Itillustration of eating together (pexels.com/ Fauxels)

Inviting other people to come with you is also unethical. The presence of additional guests will certainly have an impact on the adequacy of the food served because it has been ordered according to the number of people.

Even if ordering additional food is a very possible thing to do, try to see it from the invitee’s side. Your friend who treats you has to incur additional costs that are not in accordance with the budget he has planned.

Also Read: These 5 Sentences Make You Look Cool When Treating Friends

3. Order an expensive menu

7 Bad Behaviors You Should Avoid When Treated, Don't Drag Itillustration of choosing a food menu (pexels.com/Humphrey Muleba)

It’s not uncommon for your friends to be free to order food on the restaurant menu themselves. If this happens, avoid ordering food or drink menus whose prices are relatively high.

Although maybe your friend who treats you doesn’t mind, but that kind of behavior is not a good thing to do. You can be praised by your other friends who attend the event.

4. Denounce food

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7 Bad Behaviors You Should Avoid When Treated, Don't Drag Iteating illustration (pexels.com/ Ivan Samkov)

There may be a food menu that does not suit your taste. Refrain from making negative comments about the food. Unless you have allergies to certain foods, of course you need to convey it.

Maybe in your opinion, criticizing food that is not tasty is a form of criticism of the restaurant. However, in fact it can also make friends who treat you to be disappointed because they feel they have not given their best when entertaining.

5. Busy with gadgets

7 Bad Behaviors You Should Avoid When Treated, Don't Drag Itbusy with gadgets illustration (pexels.com/ Denys Gromov)

At a meal, try to show that you enjoy the food being served. Too busy with gadget will give the impression, that you are less interested in being in that place.

You can also make people think that you don’t enjoy the dishes you ordered. Your treating friend may assume that you don’t like the food served. So, be wise with gadget you, yes.

6. Go home before the event closes

7 Bad Behaviors You Should Avoid When Treated, Don't Drag Itillustration of eating together (pexels.com/Andrea Piacquadio)

Even though a meal is considered not a formal event and is just a casual event, that doesn’t mean you can go freely at any time. What’s more, when the meal session is just over, don’t rush to say goodbye right away.

Wait until your treating friend closes the event. For example, when he has thanked all those invited for their presence.

7. Forget to say thank you

7 Bad Behaviors You Should Avoid When Treated, Don't Drag Itillustration of eating together (unsplash.com/Ali Inay)

Even though it may sound cliche, this is an important thing for you to pay attention to. Don’t forget to thank friends who have treated you. This thank you is not just a treat for food from your friend earlier. However, its meaning is broader than that.

When your friend decides to treat you, it means that he indirectly shows that you are one of the people who is considered important to him. You have a special meaning as a friend. Therefore, thank your friend sincerely, yes.

You should avoid the seven things above when you are being treated. If there is sustenance, don’t forget to take turns treating your friends. Behaving well anywhere and anytime is not about image, but because it is the right thing to do and shows your character. Try to keep doing your best.

Also Read: 5 Tips for Dealing with Friends Who Often Ask for Treats, Don’t Disgust!

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